Outing /bashing/shaming ... Is never ok in my book!!!!

Secret Encounters's Avatar

I just had a dear friend tell me she was getting attacked by a fellow provider. I cant & will not tolerate it. I felt strongly enough to post this to a reminder to fellow providers no matter what the situation is.. Be kind .. This also goes to fellow hobbyist. Its not ok!

Grow the hell up. You do not divulge personal information out of spite or being malicious. Just bc its not done on this site but on Twitter... Very publicly& nasty of you!

You NEED to apologize privately or I will put your name out there bc this person has a heart of gold & does not deserve this Behavior considering with how much she has on her plate.

How ugly & spiteful must you be in order for you to have said the things that you did say..

Shame on you!!!

I did report you to a mod with proof of you discussing 2 different well known providers regarding personal/health/ meds.. Rw stuff noone should know.

No matter how upset you get it's never ok to out or bash anyone!!!!

Shame on you!!!!

I hope everyone has a better weeek .. I am but too darn bad its raining ahhh lol im melting

Sweet LexXxi

If the providers feel comfortable enough they will chime in

{staff note- no matter the situation a member threatening to out another member's real world info is not tolerated- CK}
Unfortunately, this type of behavior is rewarded and reinforced by ECCIE - the last local provider I know of that outed another provider in a particularly nasty way was just given a 1 year time out.....
I agree girl! The DM I got today was absolutely ridiculous. I do not know the girl who sent it, she is apparently mad over the fact that a client I referred to her offended her and that I keep it cordial with everyone, including other women she doesn't like. And her own assumptions that I would be talking about her on my twitter. ??????? I don't know you, gf to be talking about you, nor do I have the time or fuck to give you any of my breath. Some people's sense of self importance in stranger's lives is outrageous. But her DM was very rude, petty, malicious and vile. I don't care for an apology, I would rather her just keep her circus monkeys to herself. I have a lot going on right now and I'm not struggling at all, just because I move incalls or keep my rates reasonable for my clients. Smh What a goofball.

As women especially in this field, there shouldn't be this type of behavior at all. It's dangerous, tiring, and speaks volumes about the character of the person participating or trying to incite it. If you wake up every day thinking about what other people are doing or saying and wanting to hurt or gossip about others, then you need more positive things to do in your life. Period. I will forgive you, but like I said, keep your circus monkeys to yourself please.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Twitter, who would of ever thought a platform letting providers indulge their narcissism and self indulgence would turn out bad?
That really could be any platform. Not just twitter. #KanyeShrug
Joe Buck's Avatar
You should encourage her to contact either mokoa or I directly.
beelzebubba's Avatar
That really could be any platform. Not just twitter. #KanyeShrug Originally Posted by lovelyevelyn
Could be but it’s not. It is Twitter.
The place where the bsc snap krackle and pop.
Could be but it’s not. It is Twitter.
The place where the bsc snap krackle and pop. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Interesting that you used that acronym. *wink*
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sir Buck,

No offense, but I am quite sure, that every moderator and administrator on Eccie, is quite clear on which two ladies continue to OUT my real world name....and while one was punished, the other continues to be allowed to participate on this forum, DESPITE there being proof, of their lack of discretion in regards to my real world information and their heinous lies to not only slander my names but also those of VIP Latina Barbie, Malaya and LMCC....So, What is the point?

There are only so many times you can OUT and LIE about someone, before that person, becomes bored and immune, to the continuous lies that are being spread about them... Some people are filled with such self-loathing and hate that there is very little that you guys/ladies can do about it...

So, if you or anyone else expects me to lose my cool because I am once again dealing with this sort of behavior... Well, it just is not going to Happen. I wish that everyone could learn to play in a safe and polite manner but that is the optimist in me speaking...

Hate will only beget hate and I will not be a party to it.... I am in a WONDERFUL PLACE in my life and I would like to enjoy, this utopian little world, that I have created for myself and my children...

I do regret that because of my friendship, with the beautiful Evelyn, that she was attacked so brutally... Especially, given the enormous responsibilities that has been thrust upon her beautiful shoulders at this time.... This saddens me greatly...

You guys have a TOUGH JOB, both the men and ladies on staff, and you have my utmost respect. So, please, do not take this in a negative manner... It is simply the facts....

This will be my only post in regards to this issue and I wish everyone a wonderful night and a lovely week...

Your adoring slave,

beelzebubba's Avatar
Wasted words on someone who was friends with one who outed with every breath.
Secret Encounters's Avatar

You actually thought i at one point would stick up for a provider who outs providers the one who got the one yr time out. Yes Ive known her for many yrs & knowing & trusting are 2 different things. I had no clue about the outing.

Evelyn is a wonderful gal & a sweetheart & does not deserve to be attacked. Jb i reached out to another moderator & it was said it will be handled. Jb you can always txt me I'll provide you info that you need to ban this lady. . . her behavior is so childish.

BB, at the time i had no idea bc i was inactive on the boards during that time. I found out after sh*t storm thats when SG & i became friends. I do not tolerate people in my life who hurt others. Its not ok in my book. Look up when all that outing was going on.. I was INACTIVE. I barely found out after i did my own research. I stuck up for Hf bc he has never been an arsehole to me & i corrected her lie so she is now pissed. I honestly dnt care but those 2gals who are in cahoots together ss & it.

I have nvr shared any screen Shots to any members or other providers but the proof i sent to sm moderator should suffice for a ban.

Im a sweetheart & a gals gal. Anyone ever offended or ive offended i own it & apologize. Im not a 12 yr old stomping my feet threatening to out ppl. I live life humbly and I tried to live it with surrounding myself with good people I do not allow people that are hurtful or dangerous over to my space of comfort or near me.

Ly Ev & hope u have a better day my sweet dear friend. ❤

Sg, feel better & just take care of ur self. Im only a txt away. ❤

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Bb we all know its ur mandle.. Sskye!! Ijs
beelzebubba's Avatar
You should be offended, upset seeing those actions take place.
And bravo sticking up for someone when you did see it.

You don’t know as much as you think, I’m no mandle.
Just someone with excellent memory, who remembers the allies of the ones I’ve seen hurt others, and stuck up for them every chance they got.

My post is about none of the ladies in this thread.

But the fact you so freely just tried outing me as SSkye is disturbing.
Bb we all know its ur mandle.. Sskye!! Ijs Originally Posted by Secret Encounters
Exactly. And the name is fitting.

Thank you sweet girl. Just taking everything concerning my parent one day at a time. She should consider herself lucky if she never has to witness her own parent's have cancer. And watch the words she speaks before she manifests it for herself.
beelzebubba's Avatar
You paranoid chicks, as if the paranoia hasn’t destroyed this hobby enough, you want to continue with bullshit accusations.
Tell you what, throw me a free session and I’ll come fuck the daylights out of you for 45 - 1 hr. That’ll prove it huh?

Another whining about outing that freely tried to out me?
Hmmm you might need some professional help.
And a dictionary to look up hypocrite.