To all the Ladies (Except for 3 Wackadoos)

biomed1's Avatar

Please accept my most sincere apologies for treating you wrongly!

I have been informed in the following thread of my egregious treatment of you.

It would appear that my conduct is such that I am "far from a gentleman", and to paraphrase, that I treat women as if there are below me in status.

Until this moment of enlightenment or clarity; while some what old school, I was under the impression that I conducted myself in an appropriate manner.

Ladies (with 3 exceptions), I have found you to be charming, full of grace, dignified, articulate, witty, and engaging.

Once again, I apologize for not meeting the high standard of conduct expected of a Hobbyist on this board.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

BIOMED you can't insult a lady if they were never one to begin with.
i agree with lowgear. from my own personal experiences dealing with you as a personal friend, i find your personality witty and charming (my pompous butthead, but that makes us 2 peas in a pod) and you only call it like it is and in a very respectful manner in which you say. to hell with someone who cant handle the truth.
DallasRain's Avatar
YOU Biomed are a TRUE have never been anything but sweet to me!
People that are rude to me will not get me down nor do I care what is thought about me. As with anyone, I have met wonderful people in my lifetime that have definitely outweighed the bad. I do not let the bad apples get me down. I know I am a lady and no one else will convince me otherwise because I am confident of this. I hold two bachelors degrees and now getting prepared to take my pharmacy entrance exam.
NIKKI are you a body double
No, that is me. If you need verification, then go to my facebook page. I will upload pics on my showcase. I have never uploaded pics before, but I will now, because I have been cut down so much on this board as being ugly. I am not an ugly woman and tired of being said as such.
a person doesnt have to be physically ugly to be ugly in how they carry themselves as an individual
Biomed..yes you are a are has been a great pleasure to meet you..I look forward to our new friendship growing strong....
As I have said, I could really care less about what people on this board think of me as a person. In my personal life I am surrounded by people that are very discriminating. They are the only ones that truly matter. With that being said, go ahead and type away and bash me all you want. I KNOW that I am a beautiful woman & no one on here can say anything to convince me otherwise. I have NEVER been told I was unattractive or rejected by any man. So let the bashing begin & have fun doing it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive always thought you were a sweetheart Bio and have enjoyed your posts Everytime I see your posts I think of your comment to a thread ..."Salmon-the other pink meat" and bust a gut LOL
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Your good man biomed dont let them tell u otherwise
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Geez BioMed... I am thinking I should be at least one person that says something negative just to keep you humble!!!

Nevermind!! LOL


biomed1's Avatar

Be Careful & Enjoy!

DallasRain's Avatar
Biomed--I luv ya man!!!