Date: 5-17-2019
Address and Phone: Bali - 2570 Walnut Hill Lane, Phone: (214) 351-0755
Address: -
Phone: -
City: -
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: DATY (healthrider version) in the TS room, BBJ x 2, Missionary, 69, PM
Hair Length and Color: light brown hair
Age: late 20s or low 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: B cups, spinner, 5'1 (guessing), cute smile, white teeth, small pink erasers, gives off a shy vibe, give her a backpack and she looks like she goes to UT Dallas. Forget about her studying for her BA in Business, cause she is all about that BBJ Degree. Please help her study.
Recommendation: Yes