Your reply absolutely within the rules of the site. Yes!
I would absolutely never suggest a review get deleted because it is a provider's only negative review and/or it could hurt her reputation. That is what reviews are for.
I see that DeadlyQuiet's account was disabled. I think that speaks for itself. I highly doubt anyone would read this review, come to the conclusion that Daisy is a bad provider, and choose not to book an appointment with her. If anything, bumping this thread hurts her more as it brings attention to it...
Originally Posted by Three Piece Chicken Dinne
My reasoning to delete the review is not because it was a negative review; but because there was no appointment. A date never occurred and why should "make believe" comments be attached to anyone's review profile?
According to your logic I can submit a review on Jade (in Lubbock) which never occurred and trash her throughout the review for something that never happened. The criteria is illogical if truthful reviews are the desired outcome. Why tolerate such obvious dishonesty - after all i am AnHonestJohn.
Isn't the "review" process based on a reality appointment? - Nothing happened between them, he decides to trash her ??? It's not like he lost money, had a bad time, got robbed, nothing bad happened to him - NO appointment for whatever the reason.
It really sounds like she did the smart/right thing by not seeing him.
He was just trouble.
These are one sided comments for something that did not occur. It does not hurt her - attaching honest comments to her already good reviews should help bring objectivity to anyone who does a search on her reviews on this site.
I am glad that the account got deactivated. In that sense we can disagree - L8r. I am off this site for a while -
She might decide to become listed with ECCIE. I think she has been thinking about it. It is her decision.