Encounter: Paris from Cleveland

raemonj's Avatar
User ID: n/a
Date: 6/8/19
Name: Paris
Phone: 770-407-7819
Email Address: n/a
URL (Profile or Bio Page): http://pittsburgh.skipthegames.com/f...s/179314676171
City: Pittsburgh Eastside
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Mi casa East burbs
Appointment Type: Outcall
Activities: Everything covered, CFS multiple positions, lots of tit play but CBJ, cgreek is extra $, no daty or LFK, DFK. close to GFE, but....
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes
Hair Length and Color: See pics on link, accurate. Long brown hair.
Age: early 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Petite, perfect big made mades that felt real to the touch, very pretty and tiny. Thin legs came up and made a perfect ass of themselves.
Recommendation: Yes
bambino's Avatar
Wow, she’s pretty hot. And a three hole Ho!!!!
raemonj's Avatar
3 hole ho for a hefty price.
bambino's Avatar
3 hole ho for a hefty price. Originally Posted by raemonj
How hefty?
raemonj's Avatar
Hematoma's Avatar
I was wondering if this one was real. Wow, what a body. Thx for review.
Someone on EB said the pictures are fake. I did a reverse image search and sure enough, the pics in the ad are pics of a Columbian webcam model.