Encounter: Buffalo Latina

lilylivered's Avatar
Date: 6-5-19
Name: Ayla
Phone: 716-559-4009
Email Address: Goaldiggermel@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=426114
City: Buffalo
State: New York
Address: Amherst
Hair Length and Color: Medium length black
Age: late 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: 5'3" 150ish typical latina build. nice smaller titties, a few tats
Recommendation: Yes
Plastic Man's Avatar
hey jimmie flower ya ...dones mades a sexy ...time!

...thanks fer sharin!
Frank Fucks It Right's Avatar


And just think, for this priceless booty.
lilylivered's Avatar


And just think, for this priceless booty. Originally Posted by Frank Fucks It Right
Simple enough...
Dont see her...
lilylivered's Avatar
Heres her twitter. I forgot to put it in

That ass is not good ......at all!!!