FYI - Human Trafficking Program

Today KCUR radio had an hour segment on human sexual trafficking in Kansas City. Had LE related and other groups represented. Part of the discussion was all the massage shops in Olathe and in the metro overall. One of the guests discussed how increasing penalties for customers has helped in other countries and other cities. They also discussed how it can look like no trafficking at times, but the victims live under threats to themselves and also their families (immigration consequences work well). Consequently, they get cooperation. They said LE is responding to tips as well as preventative measures like stings. Everyone’s got opinions of trafficking or no trafficking, but groups and LE are assuming trafficking unless proven otherwise. Ask Robert Kraft about what it’s like to deal with this attitude. I have no idea what is really going on, but it sounded like what we’ve called Rotaisian girls is high on their list. Take this for whatever it’s worth to you. We all have to weigh risks under any circumstances. This is just an FYI.
Mayoral election next week.
What a coinky-dink.
reallyniceguy's Avatar
Noted. I'll stick with my trusted ATF's and not venture out for a while. This is good intel in my opinion. Thanks for the share. It's simply not worth the "what if?" to me. The heat will blow over. In the meantime, there are trusted ladies here.