Encounter: Afternoon with Kat3379 SA

Date: 6/15/2019
Name: Kat
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: New Orleans
State: -
Address: CBD hotel
Activities: lfk, bbbj, hj, daty, fiv, fia, fs, facial
Hair Length and Color: long brunette
Age: 19
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Curvy and tight in all the right places
Recommendation: Yes
MrLucky's Avatar
is there a link to her profile, i couldn't find it on SA
https://www.seeking.com/member/0d4ad...4-404f25800690 Be cool though. SA girls scare off easily and don't need any white knights.
MrLucky's Avatar
https://www.seeking.com/member/0d4ad...4-404f25800690 Be cool though. SA girls scare off easily and don't need any white knights. Originally Posted by tadams
Thanks, that's weird I couldn't find it, I actually messaged her 4 months ago, never got a response. She hasn't been active on SA in while. Sorry I missed out, sounds like fun.
Thanks, that's weird I couldn't find it, I actually messaged her 4 months ago, never got a response. She hasn't been active on SA in while. Sorry I missed out, sounds like fun. Originally Posted by MrLucky
Yeah! no activity on the account for awhile. Maybe it was just one of those i need the cash ASAP for the summer vacation or something. I get that alot