Encounter: Wonderful Time with Annalese

Date: 6/17/19
Name: Annaleseinthecity
Phone: 214-785-0005
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Lafayette/New Orleans
State: Louisiana
Address: Saw her at a hotel in Lafayette
Activities: Nuru, ROS
Hair Length and Color: Reddish, short
Age: around 40
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Height/weight proportionate. Nice butt, large boobs
Recommendation: Hell to the yes!
Thanks for the review.
Saints_fanwhodat's Avatar
I tried meeting her a few months ago but got spooked when she she said she wanted to meet at gas station. Too many red flags. Wish I had see a review like this before hand. Thank you sir.
Brmike1963's Avatar
I was the same way when I first met her, thought I was getting set up. But she is just being safe for herself and as she told me, it gives you the opportunity to see her and back out if she isn’t your type. Got to respect that.