Google Voice applicability for hobby

I have a googlevoice # and was wondering if anyone else does and if there is an advantage to it for the hobby. Not sure how to dial out with it but know u can give that number and read the vms. Not sure about texting.
With all the talk about hobby phones, was just curious if this was an alternative.
yardape's Avatar
I know at least one provider who has GOOG voice. Best I could tell, its chief purpose is to give her a proxy tel # w/ VM that enables checking messages, maybe call forwarding, without attaching to a local landline (like you would w/ an answering machine or telco call forwarding) or giving out a personal cell # to strangers. It may have other features but I'm not a user.
I would love an invite to google voice if anyone has one they can send me! I hear it works great to have as a hobby number.
Sensei's Avatar
Google voice is great for the hobby, you dial out from your personal cell phone but have the caller ID show your google number. Incoming calls can either show who is calling (good for providers) or your own google number (good for us).
Also, google number can be programed to call multiple numbers (cell, home, work etc.) either at the same time or you can set at what time any number is called. It will also read your texts to you. Oh, and there is no physical phone so you can't accidentally leave it where your SO can get it.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 03-05-2010, 06:26 PM
You can create vanity numbers too...512.814.MINT(6468) -M
guest031812's Avatar
How do you get an invite to google voice, I requested one a while back , never got an email! Can anyone invite me?
I use GOOG voice for the hobby and love it. Ironically I googled "google voice" and found a page to request an invite. About 2 weeks later I was sent the invite and have been using it ever since. I used to have a blackberry and there's actually a Google Voice app for worked really well. Now I have a Samsung Moment (a Google based andriod phone) and it works even better. There's even a "sleep" mode that will send all calls to directly to VM. All VM are converted to text and either emailed or sent via text to your primary number.

If you can get an invite, I highly recommend it. I've already sent my 3 invites out, if I get more I'll let y'all know.

guest031812's Avatar
Thanks sweetie
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
I have invites although I would caution people not to use their "personal phone" to call in to GV. Get a hobby phone any way and use it as an additional layer of protection. Also, switch out the hobby phone each time it charges down (with GV you still have a stable number but can give yourself a harder trail to follow).

Just my thoughts
guest031812's Avatar
I am sure you could auction off one of those invites
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
Ha. I have a collection. I believe I have 5 Accounts with Google Voice access and each has 3 invites. It's not complicated if you got in early.
I <3 Google Voice. Actually, as evil information clearinghouses (which is ironic considering their motto "Don't be evil.") Google sure does make a lot of things in my life easier: Aps, Analytics, Voice, Street View!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Yep. I use it to as my hobby phone so now I only carry my iphone around with me. Much more convenient.

In case anyone was wondering why I have a 210 area code, Austin area codes are really hard to get. None available at the time I opened my account.