Man! Can you imagine a doubles session with Vanessa and Bella at the same time? Nagoya better have a defibrillator handy! LOL. Originally Posted by Massagejunkyie69I think a Priest would be more appropriate than a defibrillator. one, he can egg on Vanessa and Bella.. "good job, my Sisters"!
I think a Priest would be more appropriate than a defibrillator. one, he can egg on Vanessa and Bella.. "good job, my Sisters"!That would be the way I would want to go out for sure. Do y’all know if either one works weekends preferably Saturday? Thanks for the info by the way.
two, he can administer your last rites. aint no defibrillator around that's going to save you after a Vanessa/Bella doublesOriginally Posted by Chung Tran