Early Birds?

Just wondering there is a lot of early bird guys that like to hobby in the mornings?

For me I love morning appointments, just something about waking and getting it on!
You can probably find a few on here
Good one Karla, the benefits of a young brain, lol. I need my coffee.

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PaganGuy's Avatar
Definitely.. major morning person. Always wake up wanting, and thats the last time I'd ever expect to get any 'IRL'. Generally when I can play it's either after work knocking off a little early and being tired from the day and needing a shower, or opting to start the day a little late and meeting up with someone all rested, freshly clean and ready to get the blood flowing and make the day worth getting out of bed for.
whitetail32's Avatar
I do, definitely am an early morning man.
Iam also an early bird.. get every morning between 3 and 5am. no fail. Kind of sucks sometimes when I wish I could just sleep in...lol
I'm up pretty early around 5 a.m. I can't sleep past 6:30 a.m. as I feel like I am missing out on life. Waking up early gives me time to work on my research papers, prepare for civie career and organize my day for my hobbying adventures.
I agree Angelina, I love getting up early most of the times. I feel like I am missing something or that my day just blows by with nothing done.

It's good to know the early birds Thanks to all that chimed in.
knotty man's Avatar
man i love mornings. everyday i get up bright eyed and bushy tailed right at the crack of NOON!
LOL, The only time its the crack of noon for me is if I happened to go out drinking.
knotty man's Avatar
i think you misunderstood me babe. my girlfriend is korean. her name is NOON! jk
OMG you nut, lol!!!
Unless you have a wake up call, from a nice strapping lad. Sleeping is over rate. Hey Rox.
Heya Salsa man! A nice strapping lad you are indeed
In town and I am out of town. Life is just not fare. I will have to come to A town soon. O, I am a mourning person to, when I sleep.