The left wing pundits are worried...and should be.

After the two circuses referred to as presidential democrap debates the pundits are ringing their hand because of their ideology on prime time parade.

This is where the rubber meets the road...with the left living in this lack of self-awareness cocoon they are alienating the people who make this country the greatest country in the world.

This party's platform of soak the rich and give away everything and anything with no way to cover these expenses. As they said those that don't know their history...McGovern 72' Mondale 84'...are doomed to repeat it!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

are we getting a whiff of 1969???
The Liberal/ Socialist/Progressive Ideology on parade.

Millions of Americans are saying.......”What Tha Fuck”

Let them keep talking.
Fucking DPSTs - they are very far left - I hope the American people reject them so we can stay a good country rather than become a shithole like LA.

are we getting a whiff of 1969??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Is this what your referring to???
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Is this what your referring to??? Originally Posted by bb1961
no, got the dates mixed up. its about left wing over-reach. both times the lefties got slaughtered at polls.

not sure why Wallace spooked them so much. guess they don't like unexpected competition.

1969 = 2016 (both events were punctuated by violence from the left)
1973 = 2020