If you have no real preference ...

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
... what's the best way to set up an AMP encounter?

Should I just show up at, say, Blue, and ask emo to send me someone? Ask for whoever s available and hope that her desperation will lead to a decent encounter: Review a line-up? (Seems rather demeaning to me.) Call and ask for a specific girl, running the risk that she'll not be available during my window of opportunity, thereby forcing me to accept Plan B or C?

My only other time was with Kara. That was slightly disappointing because I felt like I was being scripted, and, I think because it was around 7 p.m., and she just didn't seem to have much enthusiasm.

Getting so bored with Fort Worth I might risk a drive to Dallas.
Heartsnatcher's Avatar
Making an appointment based on what you read here , or better, based on somebodys recomendation who you know is more or less ojective and saw that girl is always better than not making an appointment. Pick a less busy place, but not a totally unknown spa. These are less busy. Pick a girl with reviews dating back at least a few months. This is what I do usually.
Goose2u's Avatar
I always have pretty good luck just rolling the dice and I'm not even a gambler lol
CoolHud's Avatar
You'd do pretty darn well rolling the dice at Blue but I'm not so sure about other places. Better to have appointment I'd say.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Make Appointment or do a Line up.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Just go see Bunny at Top Star around noon. Problem solved.
you could easily show up to blue without appointment and not be disappointed. most of the pretty popular places on here (bali, nyny, blue, etc) would also work. sometimes i am really curious about a specific girl i read reviews about BUT a lot of the times the surprise is exciting imo
Very exciting sometimes to just show up and not know who you will fuck.
mikehammer002001's Avatar
Rolling the dice does have its draw backs so read reviews first and filter the BS and make a choice based on that. Ask who's available and think back to the reviews. Have done a few line ups (seems harder to get one now days) and that was one of my biggest fails. But hey sometimes the luck of the draw is golden
Survivor's Avatar
As another Tarrant monger who infrequently enjoys the pleasures of the East, I been very pleased doing short notice scheduling with emo. Looking for ladies who do not receive the sacraments, I read the reviews, make sure they are not in Ghostrider's list, and prepare my targets. Then, usually while in D on business, I call about an hour before since by then I'll know when I will get to the amp and the lady should not have too long to wait forgoing other mongers while anticipating my arrival. Aji at Number 1 (I said I go infrequently), Crystal at Lucky Haven and most recently Clara at Luxury (now Bobbie at Lucky Haven) have rewarded my efforts. My one missed target - Kiss at Luxury. Damn she is hard to schedule with.
Heartsnatcher's Avatar
Just go see Bunny at Top Star Originally Posted by Bestman200600

I found calling around noon is best, but apointment or not, 3 or 4 afternoon works best avoiding the crowds on the highways and amps. If the highways are busy , the amps are busy, if the highways are almost no traffic, amps are pretty easy to schedule.
So far Blue has treated me well.

I always call and make an appointment.
I always introduce myself.
I always speak slowly and distinctly.
I read the reviews and pick the top 3 I want to see.
I ask who is available when I want the appointment.
Mamasan yells to find out who is available and tells me.
I restate my name, the appointment time and the girl to Mamasan.
I arrive about 5 min before the appointment.
Each time Mamasan has ushered me directly into a room as soon as I arrived.
So far, no issues.

They have been slammed every time I have gone. So be clean when you go in case a TS is not available.

Recently each girl has asked if I want a TS. It has not been an automatic activity like it used to be.

I get the impression the girls get tired of doing TS that often each day, so if you and she can do without it you might get more play time. Just a handy hint from your old buddy Will.
White Tiger's Avatar
This is a little late, but do a little research and make an appointment to be sure you get the one you want. As far as research goes, I can save you a little time. Just call Pearls and get an hour with Lisa.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
This is a little late, but do a little research and make an appointment to be sure you get the one you want. As far as research goes, I can save you a little time. Just call Pearls and get an hour with Lisa. Originally Posted by White Tiger

Thanks. Nice to see you here again, sir.