President Trump Gives Inspirational Speech Praising America.......

While Democrats whine.

That is what it came to Thursday as the Country celebrated our Nations founding.

Most of the 2020 Democrat Candidates were giving their repsponses to President Trump's Address from the Lincoln Memorial way before he even gave it. Their complaints had little to do with what the President said.

President Trump Praised our Military, our Police, our FireFighters and all First Responders who rush to the sound of the battle. He praised America and the principles that make America the greatest Republic ever.

All while the Democrats, to the "T", simply whined and complained.

They would rather see President Trump fail than America succeed.

Take a look at this clip of Bernie doing his 4th of July gig. Notice anything odd.

There is not one American Flag in the entire clip.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How disingenuous can you be, df? It wasn’t “his” gig. It was the City of West Des Moines’s.

Maybe he should have shlepped along a few tanks and planes?

Maybe he should have made a speech about the night of the US armed forces?

At least Sanders didn’t talk about taking over airports during the Revolutionary War.

Trump tried real hard to keep politics out of his speech yesterday, but he couldn’t keep stupid out.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Didn’t bother to watch but I saw a video this morning of that fat lying bastard claiming George Washington’s army took over airports in 1775.
but he couldn’t keep stupid out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You were there...that's right you say you like parades!!
Didn’t bother to watch but I saw a video this morning of that fat lying bastard claiming George Washington’s army took over airports in 1775. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
HE said airport 1975...I saw it good movie.
Was it as bad as Bitten and his racist senator friend he so admired??
rexdutchman's Avatar
MAGA, good job, I'm tried of the progressives HATING everything . That Gets us NOWHERE FAST
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You were there...that's right you say you like parades!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I actually said I Loved parades.

There’s a difference between lying and not knowing.

I think you don’t know that you’re lying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
MAGA, good job, I'm tried of the progressives HATING everything . That Gets us NOWHERE FAST Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I hate that remark!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How disingenuous can you be, df? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

df? I didn't start this thread.

are you in the right thread???? forgot to take your woke pill?

I actually said I Loved parades.

There’s a difference between lying and not knowing.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Congrads you are an expert in both
You liked it so much you loved it...did you shake hand with Trump
Then you "loved" the biggie!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
df? I didn't start this thread.

are you in the right thread???? forgot to take your woke pill?

lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sorry, Pepe. I meant Jackie.

Check your PMS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Congrads you are an expert in both
You liked it so much you loved it...did you shake hand with Trump
Then you "loved" the biggie!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Mighty awkward, bud.

I didn’t say that, which any fluent English speaker would know by simply reading.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 08:19 AM
JS has a valid point
If any of the DPST wanna-be's had given the same speech, all the LSM and Lefties here would be salivating with approval.

It is not the message - it is the person the DPST's HATE!
Whisky_1's Avatar
In my opinion, it was 45's best speech so far.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2019, 04:03 AM
W-1 - better be careful with statements such as the above
You might find yourself kicked out of the DPST Party.

Remember - Lockstep Doctrine Rules!