The Gang of Four

  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2019, 07:26 AM
The "Squad" - or Perhaps "The Gang of Four"!!!
Omar now on record tacitly defending a Qaeda

Ain't socialism grand!!!
"Damaged goods, send them back
I can't work, I can't achieve, send me back
Open the till, give me the change
You said, would do me good
Refund the cost
You said you're cheap but you're too much"
matchingmole's Avatar
He's become nostalgic
Want to own tomorrow
Discipline is his passion
Now he says there's none

Outside the trains don't run on time
He believes it's not coincidence
He thinks the blood will run them down
Home - it's no castle
He wants his wife to run and fetch
Order his obsession
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2019, 09:33 AM
National socialists in germany in the 1930's made the trains run on time.

Looking for a re-do, mm???
matchingmole's Avatar
Death of Benito Mussolini. The death of Benito Mussolini, the Italian fascist dictator, occurred on 28 April 1945, in the final days of World War II in Europe, when he was summarily executed by anti-fascist partisans in the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy.
President Trump forgot one of the maxims of politics "When the enemy is destroying themselves, let them."
Redhot1960's Avatar
I'm predicting that 3 of the 4 won't be around after the next election...why only 3? Socialists, like shit stains, are hard to remove.
Redhot1960's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the four whores should be exiled to a south American brothel, chained to mattresses and forced to service fat sweaty men who cuss at them in Portuguese.

they will be allowed back into the US only if they are branded with the Betsy Ross "racist" flag on their foreheads and agree to a cranial implant that detonates if they utter one un-american word.

President Trump forgot one of the maxims of politics "When the enemy is destroying themselves, let them." Originally Posted by gnadfly

That's exactly right. Trump would have been smart to just STFU and stay the fuck off Twitter for once. The catfight between SINO (Speaker in Name Only) Pelosi and the Four Stooges was just getting going. It was beginning to look like Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and her three radical cohorts were hell-bent on becoming de facto House Speakers.

If allowed to progress, the intra-party war would have been epic!

But as it now stands, all five of those cunts are lining up on the same side and directing all their vitriol toward Trump, having deflected attention from their internecine battle.
President Trump should have already directed the FBI/CIA/DOJ complex to have Omar's brother/husband found and all of the necessary evidence in his back pocket for prosecution of immigration fraud ready for a moment like this.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the four whores should be exiled to a south American brothel, chained to mattresses and forced to service fat sweaty men who cuss at them in Portuguese.

they will be allowed back into the US only if they are branded with the Betsy Ross "racist" flag on their foreheads and agree to a cranial implant that detonates if they utter one un-american word.

BAHHAHHAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

the only nation in south america that speaks Portuguese is Brazil
  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2019, 07:12 AM
Death of Benito Mussolini. The death of Benito Mussolini, the Italian fascist dictator, occurred on 28 April 1945, in the final days of World War II in Europe, when he was summarily executed by anti-fascist partisans in the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy. Originally Posted by matchingmole

A DPST fantasy for the Anti-Fa Socialist Storm Troopers.

Instead of storming "Concentration camps" - Try Fort Knox!!

Carry on MM

Next time try posting in Blue!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
These 4 started this shit. Now that they got their asses handed to them they’ve become victims.