Encounter: Ripped Off $ 700 By TinaStar

dannyloves69's Avatar
Date: 6/15/19
Name: TinaStar
User ID:: 480782
Phone: 682-500-7323
Email Address: tinabnew777@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=480782
City: Las Colinas
State: Texas
Address: Las Colinas Hotel
Activities: None
Hair Length and Color: Dark Brown Covered With Baseball Cap
Recommendation: No
ManSlut's Avatar
You fucked up on the recommendation part of the review so it doesn’t show up as a ‘No’ review in her stats, only shows up as a no comment...Maybe you did this intentionally to avoid Provider backlash being that you manually typed it and other commentary under the hair length and color field?

Ask a Mod to fix the ‘No’ recommendation or be labeled a coward!...Lol
dannyloves69's Avatar
Sorry, I did make a mistake, I have sent a request to correct to a mod. I actually hit the back button by mistake and lost the original page. Thank you
mrredcat43's Avatar
700 for how long? Was bareback included in the price?
gman44's Avatar
These are supposed to be placed in coed
jerkn2u's Avatar
Damn she thick as hell though..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-18-2019, 01:22 AM
Damn she thick as hell though.. Originally Posted by jerkn2u
You down to give some more free $ for nothing, I'm sure she's ready to collect
Brandofan's Avatar
These are supposed to be placed in coed Originally Posted by gman44
Why? They met in person and money was exchanged. By your logic it is better for ladies to be thieves than provide subpar service.
  • grean
  • 07-18-2019, 01:56 PM
These are supposed to be placed in coed Originally Posted by gman44

There was a meeting though. She showed up, money was exchanged. She just didn't do anything. Sounds reviewable to me.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Thanks for putting back in the review section
Someone is still gonna hand her money after reading this based on her looks lol
Won’t be me for sure. Only way to deal with that kind of behavior is to not see her or the crew she travels with. They will soon move on with no viaits
mrredcat43's Avatar