Encounter: Red gave great head.

Date: 07/19/2019
Name: Red
Phone: 7854319325
Email Address: RedBlaze785@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://escortbabylon.net/image_list/7854319325
City: Overland Park
State: Kansas
Address: College blvd
Activities: Tit worship, lfk, BBBJCIMNQNS, mish
Hair Length and Color: Red hair, below shoulder.
Age: 28
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5,6" red hair, c cup boobs, nice ass. Boobs are little saggy but not unattractive. Baby scare/ tummy. Attractive face. May have gain some lbs since pics.
Recommendation: Yes
knight rider's Avatar
She advertises CBJ only - was it an upcharge?
BirdogKC60's Avatar
She advertises CBJ only - was it an upcharge? Originally Posted by knight rider
I did not see her advertisement about her offerings, but i guess she was in a mood for close touch.
  • ks15
  • 07-21-2019, 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by ks15
I thought the same thing at first but, if I’m not mistaken, it was actually +1 indicating to add him as another person that would like to know about the upcharge.
BirdogKC60's Avatar
I thought the same thing at first but, if I’m not mistaken, it was actually +1 indicating to add him as another person that would like to know about the upcharge. Originally Posted by Hobbyluver69
You are correct sir.