Inspired by booty thread...faces to die for

johnguy's Avatar
Well, just like us all, I am moved by sexy body parts...but I have to say I am a sucker for a beautiful smile and bright eyes. Some ladies just light up a room. And then there are those that have that sexy sultry look that equally stop you in your tracks. with their piercing, soul penetrating sexy glance, lips puckered and eyes saying f""" me please.

So I will suggest my first thread....please post photos of those faces that turn you into a pile of goo...without the capacity to speak. You know what I mean...the ones that could look at you the first time you meet and smile and say, "baby, can I have your car keys" and you might actually do it.

And girls, please feel free to self promote...the more the better.

I will start off with one...Shayla (love her look, she can do both the sweet and the sultry)

Wow, I am very flattered! Thank you johnguy.
johnguy's Avatar
Shayla, you know its very welcome. You hold the power over us with those looks...we turn into helpless puppies. lol
Just like other parts that make a Lady what she is, men vary in their opinion as to what is desirable, and what is not.

Some Women are cute, some pretty, some are beautiful, some are homely, and some are ugly. Most men can live with either cute, pretty, or beautiful, but homely and ugly tends to get in the way of any other attributes she might have. As the old saying goes, "Beauty is only skin deep, but Ugly goes all the way to the bone".

From reading the Mens Only Forums, "Face" is a big thing. And not a face that dissappears in the shower, one that looks just as appealing with or without the war paint on.

I won't bore any of you with who I think has a very appealing face, (everybody say "YAY"), but suffice to say she looks the same in the morning just out of the shower as she does dressed for the kill at 8PM.
johnguy's Avatar
Ok, let me nudge this along a little...a few more suggestions.

Tabitha Love

Tiffany Star


Carmella Delight
burkalini's Avatar
As far as beauty everyone likes to look at a pretty face. I have been with some beautiful women in my life and can say how they are is more important than how they look. Many beautiful women become ugly within 5 minutes of meeting them and some average looking women become beautiful because of their confidence and attitude. I know this is a thread of pretty faces so keep them coming but try to remember what you think beauty really is. Ok now back to your regular scheduled programming. lol
As far as beauty everyone likes to look at a pretty face. I have been with some beautiful women in my life and can say how they are is more important than how they look. Many beautiful women become ugly within 5 minutes of meeting them and some average looking women become beautiful because of their confidence and attitude. I know this is a thread of pretty faces so keep them coming but try to remember what you think beauty really is. Ok now back to your regular scheduled programming. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
I couldnt agree more!
Many beautiful women become ugly within 5 minutes of meeting them and some average looking women become beautiful because of their confidence and attitude. Originally Posted by burkalini
So very very trueNothing is more ugly than a bad attitude
I have to agree with johnguy. Shayla, you are absalotly gorgiose. When I come up to do some boarding in Whistler, I am going to have to look you up.
Mojojo's Avatar
The title of this thread sounds like a porn movie.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I love gorgeousss women with sexy, mesmerizing, gorgeousss eyes. All the women above are gorgeousss by any standard and all have captivating eyes. Shayla and Tabitha have accentuated their gorgeous eyes with just the right amount of eye makeup which makes them look even hotter.
Obi_Wan's Avatar
Shayla (love her look, she can do both the sweet and the sultry)

Originally Posted by johnguy
Agreed. Shayla is HOT!
You are so beautiful inside and out.
burkalini's Avatar
I do agree Shayla is a beautiful girl.
whitechocolate's Avatar
AlyssaNicole-one of the most gorgeousssss gals from head to toes