Mod / Admin Question - Controlling the COED Forum

Mods / Admins,

What do you need to better control and to protect / prevent the COED forum from the one or three users who come in to destroy it with spam, baiting, and anti-community threads and posts?
More than a few enquiring minds want to know the answer to the question posed by Eidolon.
I think staff should change the name of Co-Ed the the sc/Shine forum and do the same with the cat box. I hope staff likes what they got. There is less and less people back in co-ed now. Lots of members spent a lot of effort trying to bring co-ed back after the 2 or 3 in question destroyed it the last time.
Now staff sets around with It's thumb up it's ass and let's it get destroyed again...... this is almost to dumb to believe.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Not respond to their BS. I have no problem reading and not responding but some cannot do that. They will screw up enough to point themselves out.
^^^ You beat me to it.

Gosh, I wonder what would happen if NO ONE responded???

Seriously, I've never seen a bunch of grown men with so little self control. I could apply some theories of human behavior to this situation regarding the possibility that participation in this "hobby" provides a correlation with one's lack of self control...but I wont (or did I?). But for now, I can't type because I have a thumb up my ass...
We can not repond...true.
That also means no co-ed for many here including the females we were able to bring back before.

That tells me this is what staff wants
If that's the case....then let them have it.....

I'm a Judge in a criminal court. A defendant comes before me and has a lengthy record. Should I apply a different standard relating to facts of the case before me? Should I be selective in the enforcement? OR, should I look at facts of the case without regard to the person and apply the law as I would to any defendant?

When I look at post, I look at it without considering who posted it. If it rises to the level of needing a warning, an infraction, a removal, a ban. REGARDLESS of who posted it. That is what I feel is prudent.

If you all don't like the threads being posted, could you AT LEAST TRY not responding? And if you don't like the topics, why not start your own topic? Not responding is NOT THE SAME as not participating. There is a scroll function last time I checked.

This isn't rocket science and it isn't fair to claim this is the way the mods want it. Your local mods are very involved lately and as DM stated...we shouldn't have to bend rules and selectively enforce when posters will eventually point themselves out if they break rules.
Not respond to their BS...They will screw up enough to point themselves out. Originally Posted by DarthMaul

Does the use of RTM help the cause or is it unnecessary and a nuisance for you?


I don't understand the point of arguing. I was asking an honest question to help myself and others to actually be a part of the correctional process. Receiving a fair answer from the moderators and administrators should be allowed without cross examination. Fair and balanced judication is required and expected. They are accurate with regard to the assessment accumulation as points and the time in which they will expire can be an exponentially increasing to permanence process. Therefore the hindering person and or persons can eventually, permanently, point out. Hopefully the short-term bans will grow to complete releaf, at least under the present handles. Therefore we only need to know what will help this process and comply. I personally do not usually respond to any of the crap that the one or a few post.
The voice of reason. Feel free to RTM. It gives the local mods a heads up as to what other members see as problems. Every single one is addressed. People here all know how the point systems and it is silly to think that one annoying or even rude post should result in a ban. If that were the case 90% of the male posters in Houston Coed would not be here.

We don't ban people for being annoying. We use infractions and bans to attempt to modify behavior. Being overly punitive rarely works here or in life.
I understand all of the above. The problem is we get 90 days without these clowns then 30 days of shit storm.
Then we get another 90 days and everything repeats.
I'm not the biggest OH2 fan.....but the permanent idea is an excellent one.
All you have to do is look at who gets banned over and over. They are not going to change....cut your losses.

The day these people return....they start right back up. They even start threads to throw it in everyone's face knowing they will get banned again.

Many here tire of that.

B3....this is not a court of law or a republic. The laws are whatever the owners want them to be. If you profile me as not fit to be here then just tell me and I will leave and not cry about it. There is nothing wrong with profiling and making decisions. Staff here has all of the power. Use it
citizen44's Avatar
Seriously, the best thing the board could do would be to either ban the women from posting anything other than ads, or to have purely segregated forums.

There’s a reason these guys don’t shit up the mens lounge and they focus all of their energy in forums where both sexes post.....
Seriously, the best thing the board could do would be to either ban the women from posting anything other than ads, or to have purely segregated forums.

There’s a reason these guys don’t shit up the mens lounge and they focus all of their energy in forums where both sexes post..... Originally Posted by citizen44
Only the retards do. The actual men interact. I think it has helped both sexes getting to see how the other player acts outside of a pure ad or request.