**Showcase invisible**

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

Can someone activate my showcase please. It tells me

Notice: this showcase is invisible and pending moderator approval.
If you'd like assistance making it viewable, please contact a moderator.

and I can see it on my end and when I do a search in showcase, San Antonio, I see it, also, but I have been informed no one else can see it. I sent a email to sanantonio@eccie.net to check it out the other day but I guess everyone is busy.

So anyone's help in this matter would be greatly appreciated! BTW, I have some new pics I want to share ..... It's back to work for me so can you please help me out?

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

I'm still waiting for a response, Mr Mods! But it's cool I will just bring my website back online....was it because I tried to delete it? This is what it is saying....

Are you sure you want to delete your showcase?
This process is irreversible!

Interesting....Why is this when sometimes we have to do that to stay UTR for a moment.....

johnnybax's Avatar
It's visible again. Sorry for the delay you experienced.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Thank you so much!
