I'm freaking pissed. Some chic used my booty pic as hers and I'm completely shook. This is unfair! Someone else getting paid literally using me as a prop without my knowledge. She has some yes reviews so we might have similar bodies but who tf cares. Use your own goddamn body or just don't post a pic at all!
I'm thinking of writing to admin for stronger verification processes but then in this situation, it's a booty pic. Unfortunately everyone has an ass and many asses are similar (lol) but really this shouldn't be. I can understand if I wasnt in this industry and didnt need my pictures to earn me my own bread but I am. Sis is dividing attention that only I am meant to receive and splitting my fucking income! Please guys, if she doesn't look like her pics, air her out! this bullshit has to fucking stop!
I sent her messages and reported her profile. Hopefully something is done quickly coz every minute that pic is up, my blood boils hotter. I've attached the pic. I don't want to ruin her reputation but anywhere you see this and it's not Monae Montane, report that catfish!