Gallery owner in NY beaten over MAGA hat.

The radical leftwing thugs are at it again...if you can't beat them with ideas beat them with fists and clubs!!
These fuckers need to be held accountable.
If these PUNKS had tried this on me...obituaries on ALL of them!!
Do I hear hate he wasn't the RIGHT ideology!!
No Jussy Smutts here.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I can't tell what ethnicity the attacked Man is part of, but I suspect non-white MAGA hat wearers are singled out much more often for attacks.

in a city that can't offer justice to Eric Garner's family, don't expect these thugs to be punished. street justice is the best hope.
I'm just waiting to see what the LSM reports on this and IF they do...the level of outrage. That should be ALL we need to know...
Because we know how outraged the LSM was with the Jussy Smutts hoax...this doesn't look like a hoax to me!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can't tell what ethnicity the attacked Man is part of, but I suspect non-white MAGA hat wearers are singled out much more often for attacks.

in a city that can't offer justice to Eric Garner's family, don't expect these thugs to be punished. street justice is the best hope. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Eric Garner resisted arrest. what would have happened if he didn't???


what would have happened to Michael "Ferguson" Brown if he hadn't also resisted arrest?


Only happens to blacks??? not so!!!

Police bodycam footage of woman, 65, resisting arrest sparks outrage: 'If she was black she would've been shot'

People want this WHITE woman shot as reparations for other RESISTERS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT.


then you won't get shot. it's that simple.
So true!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


Yssup Rider's Avatar
There we go. Where’s the orangutan?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There we go. Where’s the orangutan? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you had to ask .. didn't ya????

and i really thought we had a break-thought moment on that ANITFA thing. was i wrong???

actually my apologies .. that's the best i could do on short notice. i'm sure there are better on the vast interwebs ...

let me leave you with some dance ..
Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nice to see you codone speaks volumes of you.
Who's ass should we whip or kill next...DO TELL!!
"Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks."
You have a way with words Mr. Gaffe!!
You regret these PUNKS might get theirs...some shameless shit there.

P.S. Is that a selfie of you right before one of your MAJOR meltdowns??

you had to ask .. didn't ya????

and i really thought we had a break-thought moment on that ANITFA thing. was i wrong???

actually my apologies .. that's the best i could do on short notice. i'm sure there are better on the vast interwebs ...

let me leave you with some dance .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I got it out of's not easy trying to convince someone of their wayward thoughts needing to be reconsidered.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2019, 07:40 AM
More to the Point - What is the status of the Police response to this incident?
Is there an investigation into this assault - or will DeBlasio minions just blow it off as justified because it happened to a Trump supporter in Socialist NYC?
Where is the LSM to declare this a "Hoax" - that might get an investigation going - and establish what happened - But if not a politically correct result - it is likely to be buried by the DPST minions who approve of Anti-Fa tactics - and have supporters in the Axis of Socialism on this Forum.!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
do you have a MAGA hat oeb11?

Would you wear it in NYC?

How about a Dallas Cowboys hat?

Would you wear that in New York City?

Even DeBlasio’s minions couldn’t save you,

Just make sure you take bb1961 with you. He’ll write some obituaries if anyone comes near you.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2019, 07:55 AM
Does SomeOne have anything cogent and Constructive - or just wishing an assault on another poster???
Looking for another vacation???
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does SomeOne have anything cogent and Constructive - or just wishing an assault on another poster???
Looking for another vacation??? Originally Posted by oeb11

The topic of this thread is MAGA hats in NYC and some poor schmuck you didn’t know better, bb1961, one of your brothers in arms, has discussed killing people twice in this thread.

You’re dodging.

I asked you a simple question. Do you own a MAGA hat?

Sorry if that gets your knickers in a twist, bro, but do be cogent and answer.

Are you threatening me? Or just stalking me? Again.