seeking unrushed kiss makeout grind (like high school)
Unusual request
I am really seeking some affection and touch
Fun playful make out session, and groping
Always a fan of nice breast, would love to fondle , caress, etc
Yes, limited
Average looking 50 yr old
Limited budget
WOnder if there is any interest in this
Hope to discuss
Truth of matter is I am mature professional
but also lonely
And...not willing to spend a lot to do this
Be ready to trade a few messages (PM) or different email
Good luck, lots of solid gold pussy in KC. And too many stupid enough to pay whatever they want.
I get what you are looking for, dude, and I hope that you find someone interested. But remember that we are (supposedly) paying for a lady's time, whether that's oral or FS or just cuddling shouldn't really matter. On the other hand we all know ladies who charge extra for extra activities, so it's not JUST the time. But I wouldn't expect much of a discount from regular rates.
Hey hun shoot me a text mabye we can figure something pretty reasonable
May I recommend contacting Your Desire.
Thanks for the responses all
YourDesire will rock your world...and I hear Annabell will too!
DallasRain is seems you know the ladies here
BOTH of those contacted me , and we traded a few messages in discussion
I do doubles w YourDesire and I hear great things bout Miss A..and I love all the Kc ladies..giggle giggle
Still looking..............
I will be Kansas City Tommrrow. If you're still looking call or text me.