MAGA bomber Cesar Sayoc sobbed as he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sending pipe bombs to opponents of Donald Trump

matchingmole's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He didn't get to reset the game to start over?!

Btw, we really do need a sarcasm font.
This is the guy that bomb experts looked at the "bombs" and said a kindergartner must have helped him with the engineering and assembly
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2019, 04:08 PM
His "Bombs" were not set up to explode.

Still - mailing bombs bia USPS is a Federal crime.
He was tried, convicted, and got a 20 year sentence.

Could have been life.
I have no sympathy for anyone committing criminal acts.

Unlike the DPST's - to whom AntiFa assault and battery is a sport they enjoy and encourage.

Antifa will soon move up to more serious crimes than that against Mr. Ngo.

DPST's are just fine with that violence - as long as it is against a conservative.
I just made a statement about the OP and his topic...I have never condoned violence and he deserves everything he gets.He included the Trump at the end for a reason. I don't believe condones it either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So from these comments, Sayoc wasn’t just an asshole, he was a dipshit as well.

Surprised Trump didn’t pardon him.
Unlike what the media first came out with, these weren't functional pipe bombs. Giving a person who is obviously mentally unstable 20 years just means he's going to die in prison. Given that he was living out of his car, this was probably the plan.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like a stable genius to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sounds like a stable genius to me. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

how would you know? ya know .. i thinck you secretly want these mass shootings to happen to blame it on Trump. SICK!! (not in Latin).


Sounds like a stable genius to me. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Based on his post, I would agree gnadfly sounds like a stable genius on this point.
So from these comments, Sayoc wasn’t just an asshole, he was a dipshit as well.

Surprised Trump didn’t pardon him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you inline for a pardon??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
how would you know? ya know .. i thinck you secretly want these mass shootings to happen to blame it on Trump. SICK!! (not in Latin).


BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What was the El Paso shooter’s name?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What was the El Paso shooter’s name? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Asshole from Allen. his dad has a fascinating story .. want to know more??
rexdutchman's Avatar
Good and your point , assholes are assholes