The Immelt Way: WH Advisor on Jobs Moving GE X-Ray Business -- to China?

GE moving X-ray business to China

July 26, 2011|Bloomberg News

General Electric Co.’s health care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing.
“A handful’’ of top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, said Anne LeGrand, general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare. The headquarters will move from Wisconsin amid a broader plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation’’ and development centers.
The division should have “double-digit’’ growth rates as the country converts from film and analog to digital X-ray technology, LeGrand said.

GE Healthcare, also the world’s biggest maker of magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac tomography scanners, got about $1.1 billion of its $16.9 billion in sales from China last year.
The X-ray business, whose financial results aren’t reported separately by GE, will hire 65 new engineers and support staff at a new Chengdu facility, the company said. GE has hired “a large number’’ of engineers who are in training, LeGrand said. GE, based in Fairfield, Conn., also has a global research center in Shanghai.
“Over the next five years, China will be GE Healthcare’s most important growth market,’’ said Rachel Duan, the China unit’s chief executive.
About 60,000 people work at GE Healthcare globally.

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DFW5Traveler's Avatar
The leftist do have a problem with this, but they can't say anything because it proves that the leftist politicians are pro-big business also. Secondly, if they don't debate the facts, it gets buried even sooner. The lack of a voice is deafening and shows the true hypocracy of the left.
Wait? What? Candidate Obama promised to do something about US companies moving jobs overseas. He'll fix it right after the Republicans "understand governing." Or he'll appoint a former major corporation head to fix it.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Jobs, just like capital, should be free to move across international borders. They are just arbitrary lines on a map. Anything that you do that tries to inhibit this movement (assuming others do not similarly inhibit such movement, admittedly a large assumption) ultimately makes your country poorer. Any protectionism or restriction on job movement is only a second-best outcome (using second best in the strict economic sense as the best outcome when an condition necessary for an optimal outcome cannot be achieved).
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The leftist do have a problem with this, but they can't say anything because it proves that the leftist politicians are pro-big business also. Secondly, if they don't debate the facts, it gets buried even sooner. The lack of a voice is deafening and shows the true hypocracy of the left. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

Stuck with that age-old problem of claiming the party that wants tax increases is pro-big business. How are you going to make that pig fly?
Of course there is no mention of the real pro-big business party that wants more tax cuts. That’s just deafening as usual. Next you’ll blame your erectile dysfunction on democrats moving companies overseas instead of the fact your prostates are stretched out of shape.

The lack of debate you whine about is YOUR fault. Besides the lack of a subject for debate, you are trying to take the opposite side of that which conservatives back. Trying to say this is about the leftists and not the fact that in America these repub-tax-decrease-wasn’t-good-enough companies can locate anywhere they want, shows you lack the fundamental information needed to have an informed debate.
If companies cannot make profits better than the return they can get elsewhere, they will not provide the goods and services cunsumers want [including the poor and middle class!].....corporate taxes are a cost of doing business and that cost gets passed along to the consumer.....SO, who pays the bulk of corporate taxes, why the middle class people do! But marxist cult drones love the middle class, but they're always fucking the middle class in the ass....must be better to be hated by the marxist cult drones than loved......

BTW: marxist cult drones don't even want Boeing create jobs, unless Boeing does it where the marxist cult drones tell them to.......
Bingo ! And that is why Corporations shouldn't be taxed !

If companies cannot make profits better than the return they can get elsewhere, they will not provide the goods and services cunsumers want [including the poor and middle class!].....corporate taxes are a cost of doing business and that cost gets passed along to the consumer.....SO, who pays the bulk of corporate taxes, why the middle class people do! But marxist cult drones love the middle class, but they're always fucking the middle class in the ass....must be better to be hated by the marxist drones than loved......

BTW: marxist cult drones don't even want Boeing create jobs, unless Boeing does it where the marxist cult drones tell them to....... Originally Posted by Marshall
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Stuck with that age-old problem of claiming the party that wants tax increases is pro-big business. How are you going to make that pig fly?
Of course there is no mention of the real pro-big business party that wants more tax cuts. That’s just deafening as usual. Next you’ll blame your erectile dysfunction on democrats moving companies overseas instead of the fact your prostates are stretched out of shape.

The lack of debate you whine about is YOUR fault. Besides the lack of a subject for debate, you are trying to take the opposite side of that which conservatives back. Trying to say this is about the leftists and not the fact that in America these repub-tax-decrease-wasn’t-good-enough companies can locate anywhere they want, shows you lack the fundamental information needed to have an informed debate.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So you must be in the category that says, "I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't."

You do realize that those taxes are hitting the poor and middle class the hardest right? The includes the hidden tax known as inflation. Everytime they raise the debt ceiling, the value of the dollar goes down requiring more dollars to buy the same goods. Of course the middle class takes the biggest hit, because they actually pay taxes where the poor get subsidised by welfare, medicaid, medicare, Reducing the Public Debt is the only way to combat the current insanity which will result in inflation/hyper-inflation.