Wow, no thoughts of others. You also just ignored being called out for fake news. You changed the news story, and you don't get it.
I have disagreeded about some things with Savannah at times. But she understands compassion. Have some respect for other's needs. Every family, could have difficulties. Understand that.
I got spit on at the LA airport returning from Nam by some women who didn't understand what all of the military had scarificed. It is OK to understang ignorance, and work around it.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence
whatever was changed did not really effect the story
child/baby, makes no difference
the child has something wrong with it,
If it were a movie theaer and a baby/child were screaming, is that ok? EVER?
if it was a wedding and a baby/child was screaming, is that ok? oh it has a disorder??!! so that makes it ok?
everyone is too entitled..... there are RIGHT and WRONGs
the parents should have realized they were causing a huge disruption to everyone else and taken the kid out of earshot till the child/baby settled down
or just left
People go out to eat NOT to have to up with someone else's child being loud
whether the child/baby has a disability makes NO difference
I understand and I'm sure many people understand how difficult that family has it with that child/baby,, so fucking what?
I"m blind, so when I drive my car, i might hit yuo...
there was NO discrimination because the screaming child/baby has some conditiion,
the parents should have left and not annoy the fyck out of everyone else
no one goes to spend money at a restaurant should have to deal anything of that sort