Well-known repeat offenders

Since some moderation is done via committee format, I was curious if there was consensus that the established repeat rule offenders shall receive increased time assessments eventually becoming permanent?

Asking for a forum
Makes too much sense E.
I would think that if a member gets banned say 3 times....management KNOWS that member is not going to change and a permanent ban would be appropriate.
Even when they come back with different handles they seem to be easy to spot....proving it might be a little harder.
While I totally agree with you TBone. ECCiE is an open website that anyone can be part of. All they would do is create a new handle and the cycle would continue. If you had a vouching system where someone else had to stake their reputation, and be repercussions for vouching in that member, it would work well to ban them.

Sometimes it's best to keep you enemies close to you. When mods get tired of their issues they know who they are and can take action. Vs. if they create a new handle there probably would be some leniency on a newbie who is unknown, members would tire before mods did something.
I agree sir