Encounter: Purple is a new color in the Rainbow Spa @ Rainbow Spa. 2 thumbs up

Ronald McDonald's Avatar
Date: 8-24
Name: Purple
Address and Phone: Rainbow Platinum - 2018 W Northwest Highway St #120 Phone: (214) 772-8121
Address: -
Phone: -
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: TS / SS / NURU / ACG / BBJ / HJ / DFK / GFE
Hair Length and Color: Dark brown hair
Age: Looks 25 maybe 30
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: Sexy cute shy, b cups, nice eraser,
Recommendation: Yes
Great way to start the weekend.
Your review is a little confusing did you see Purple at Nagoya or Purple at Rainbow?
Your review is a little confusing did you see Purple at Nagoya or Purple at Rainbow? Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy

Purple informs me she is still at Nagoya. Besides, there is nothing shy about Purple, and she more accurately has 'C' cups.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
New or another one don’t know
But Purple, Pink and one other new girl started at Rainbow yesterday