The man that ALL polls show beats Trump...REALLY??

I know SPEED keeps hanging his hat on polls (the Bitten edge) and says as we get closer to the election voter enthusiasm and crowds and money will come pouring in when the left selects their "CHOSEN" one. I hate to burst you leftest bubbles but things don't look good and I don't know if you have a rabbit you can pull out of your hats or possible ASSES that can save you dream!!

Pollster: ‘I Did Not Meet One Biden Voter Who Was In Any Way, Shape Or Form Excited About Voting For Biden’

Joe Biden has a major problem. Even among voters who support him, there is a complete lack of enthusiasm. People like him and everyone knows his name. Good old Joe has been around Washington forever and by virtue of that, people appear to trust him more than say a Kamala Harris or a Corey Booker. But try as he might, he cannot seem to energize his base.
Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, recently told the New York Times, “I did not meet one Biden voter who was in any way, shape or form excited about voting for Biden.”
Murray added that, “They feel that they have to vote for Joe Biden as the centrist candidate, to keep somebody from the left who they feel is unelectable from getting the nomination.”
Even Biden’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, made this argument last week in New Hampshire. She told voters:
You know you may like another candidate better but you have to look at who’s going to win…. So yes, you know, your candidate might be better on, I don’t know, health care than Joe is, but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election, and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, ‘Okay, I personally like so-and-so better,’ but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump.
The New Republic’s Alex Shephard has published a piece entitled “Is the Biden Bubble About to Burst?” in which he argues that Biden’s “electability” pitch is “losing its luster.” Shephard acknowledges that Biden has a commanding lead in all of the polls. But, he says, “that lead may be illusory. There’s a growing sense that Biden is something of a starter nominee, a candidate that voters can glom onto while they search for someone who better suits their values.

Now that voters are getting to know the candidates a bit better, the issue of electability is less important. That’s why we’re seeing Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders moving up in the polls. “Both candidates have used policy as the backbone of their campaigns, and both have large and deeply loyal bases.” Other candidates who haven’t been able to fall back on their ability to beat Trump have been busy coming up with ideas and proposals which have excited Democratic voters, while Biden has stood still. And they are beginning to see results.
At a campaign event in Iowa last week, Biden was asked by Fox News’ reporter Peter Doocy if he was concerned to see Sen. Elizabeth Warren draw a 12,000 person crowd on Monday in Minneapolis. The former vice president replied, “It depends on what the nature of the event is. What I’m trying to do is go around from town to town, and I’m drawing as big a crowd or bigger than anybody. Have you seen anybody draw bigger crowds than me here in this state?”
“Yes,” Doocy answered.
Biden asked, “Oh, you have? Where?”
Doocy replied, “Des Moines.”
The political world is starting to notice that a shift is taking place among the candidates in the Democratic primary.
JoAnn Hardy is the Democratic Party chair for Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. She said of Biden that “he’s doing OK, but I think a lot of his initial strength was name recognition. As the voters get to meet the other candidates, he may be surpassed soon. I would not be surprised.”
Shephard writes:
It is an explicit play it safe approach and one aimed at Democrats who are concerned big policy ideas will alienate general election voters. This is not exactly the stuff of which inspiring campaigns are made. It’s condescending at best—existential policy imperatives like climate change and health care are hardly trivial, regardless of who occupies the White House—but it also contains an air of menace. Biden and his supporters are trying to create a binary choice: Vote for Joe and beat Trump, or don’t vote for Joe and lose. But most early polling has suggested that any candidate with near-universal name recognition—something that would automatically follow a major party presidential nomination—would lead Trump in a head-to-head competition.
Did Biden really believe he could simply coast to the nomination on the electability issue? Did he think that all he needed to do was just show up for a few rallies without even having done the work of putting together a platform of policy proposals? It would appear so.
In the last few months, Biden has actually given Democratic primary voters many reasons not to vote for him. In addition to his clumsy flip flops on issues such as the Hyde Amendment, he seems to commit a new gaffe every time he appears at a campaign event.
And sadly, it’s becoming apparent that age is starting to take its toll on him. This, I think, may become his biggest roadblock to the nomination.
Speaking to the press last week in New Hampshire, a reporter said that some voters are concerned about his age, to which he replied, “I say if they’re concerned, don’t vote for me.”
In the very near future, Biden may indeed learn that the electability argument will only carry him so far. And as Shephard suggests in his article, Biden’s bubble may be about to burst.

Tom Stanks's Avatar
Anyone who trusts pollsters after the 2016 election is a gullible fool.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I find myself agreeing with Speed in principle on the polls still.

It's too early to hang your hat on them or even take them seriously, but as election time comes up, we should watch them.

2016 was not much of a miss by the pollsters. Almost every poll came in within the margin of error. It's just one of the more out of the norm elections in which Trump bucked polls within the margin of error in enough places to win.

The LSM and the pundits are the ones who screwed up in interpreting a "lead within the margin of error" as a guaranteed or super probable win for Hillary.

At this point, the polls should be taken seriously and evaluated by each candidate on a day to day basis. Trump is doing that and I'm sure adjusting as necessary.

To discount the polls because of a false belief they were way off in 2016 is foolish.

It will put the Republicans in the same boat as the dems in 2016.

Take them seriously and try to change them!!! Just don't discount them.
The only relevance of the polls right now is the DNC is using them to keep non star chamber approved candidates out of the debates.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And you’re upset about them whittling down the field because....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
polls Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Chung Tran's Avatar
And you’re upset about them whittling down the field because.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
because the Right wants more Democratic candidates carping at each other, and watering down the support of the top tier.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They need to be concerned about the mounting unrest within their own camp.

Shit, I’ll donate to both Walsh and Weld if it’ll get them on the debate stage with the Orange Sphincter.
Jaxson66's Avatar
They need to be concerned about the mounting unrest within their own camp.

Shit, I’ll donate to both Walsh and Weld if it’ll get them on the debate stage with the Orange Sphincter. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And there’s a rumor Sanford is jumping into the chaos. I saw Walsh apologizing to the nation for his support of trump and helping him get elected.

They’re the last of the dying GOP who wants to bring down the trump party.

The Freedom caucus will crush them for resistance to the regime.
And you’re upset about them whittling down the field because.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Whittling down the field is fine if it's due to open and fair processes rather then cherry picking the polls that favor the candidates the DNC has already decided on while being secretive about their criteria.

Something to do with democracy.

From an entertainment perspective, I'd like to see what Tulsi would pull out on Warren.

The Freedom caucus will crush them for resistance to the regime. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Know what you're talking about before you talk
Jax you're just mouthing off AGAIN about thing you know nothing about...

Trump Threatens a 'Fight' Against the Freedom Caucus

    Trump Threatens a 'Fight' Against the Freedom Caucus. The president has not publicly said he would support any primary challenges to members of the House Freedom Caucus in the upcoming midterm elections. But if nothing else, the incident signals that the so-called GOP “civil war” is far from over, even if Trump’s election did hand the Republican Party control of Congress and the White House.
  2. Can the Freedom Caucus bully Donald Trump? - POLITICO

    On Tuesday, the Freedom Caucus and their allies had some momentum at their backs. Trump has shown he's particularly sensitive to public opinion, and the reaction from conservative outside groups was overwhelmingly negative.
  3. How The Freedom Caucus Learned To Love Trump | FiveThirtyEight

    The Freedom Caucus (along with conservative activist groups, some Fox News anchors and other forces on the political right) has succeeded in getting Trump to largely govern from the right.
  4. Can the Freedom Caucus survive Donald Trump? - POLITICO

    Congress. Can the Freedom Caucus survive Donald Trump? Critics say the group will be rebels without a cause now that the GOP controls the levers of power in Washington.
  5. The House Freedom Caucus Is Agonizing ... - Talking Points Memo

    The Freedom Caucus’ own rhetoric, including its promises to repeal Obamacare (even though Obama is in office), has fueled some of the anger and resentment against Washington that Trump has ...
I find myself agreeing with Speed in principle on the polls still.

It's too early to hang your hat on them or even take them seriously, but as election time comes up, we should watch them.

2016 was not much of a miss by the pollsters. Almost every poll came in within the margin of error. It's just one of the more out of the norm elections in which Trump bucked polls within the margin of error in enough places to win.

The LSM and the pundits are the ones who screwed up in interpreting a "lead within the margin of error" as a guaranteed or super probable win for Hillary.

At this point, the polls should be taken seriously and evaluated by each candidate on a day to day basis. Trump is doing that and I'm sure adjusting as necessary.

To discount the polls because of a false belief they were way off in 2016 is foolish.

It will put the Republicans in the same boat as the dems in 2016.

Take them seriously and try to change them!!! Just don't discount them. Originally Posted by eccielover
My point was and is that SPEED continues to deny that the enthusiasm and crowds for Trump mean little when his man Bitten has very little support from the Dems...he is by far the most "moderate" of the bunch and a former VP. When Bitten is spewing out one gaffe after another in succession it doesn't bode well for him in the chance he has a Presidential debate...Admiral Stockdale comes to mind. I would love to see him the Dem pick...or ANY of the others because that extreme leftwing ideology is something the voters know WE CAN'T AFFORD!!

P.S. Just ask yourself why didn't Bitten pick up the torch after Obummer left the crown in an "EXCELLENT" place for the coronation of his VP??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hell, Sanford too.

Where's Romney?
Jaxson66's Avatar
bb1961 I’m busy keeping up with what the fat lying bastard and his minions do, not all the bullshit they claim to have accomplished. It’s called reality!

You might want to swallow your own advice and refrain from running your head about something you know little about....