Obummer says...aint Capitialism grand!!

First "BLACK" president in a $15 million mansion...self-centered wealth spreading.
Only in the good ol' USofA...at least Obummer is an MAGA contributor!!

Hypocrisy from the left is staggering...this and global warming.
I though it was ONLY the EVIL rich republicans??

Twitter Brings Its Wrath to the Obamas’ Front Door – a $15 Million One on Martha’s Vineyard. Didn’t He Say to Spread the Wealth?

Posted at 3:29 pm on August 25, 2019 by Alex Parker

Obama’s presidency wasn’t filled with the championing of Americans’ success.
He was more of a “You didn’t build that” kinda guy.
Here’s another quote, and fairly in context:
“Now, what we’re doing, I want to be clear, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”
“It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance at success, too. My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s going be good for everybody. … [I] think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
It should be noted that “spreading the wealth around” is done by taking wealth from the wealthy and giving it others.
Has Barack personally spread it around enough? He’s reportedly worth $70 million; how ’bout you?
The Obamas are buying a 6,900 square-foot beachfront spread on Martha’s Vineyard worth a cool $15 mil.
TMZ reports:
The former Prez and First Lady have been renting the house this summer and loved it so much, we’ve learned they made an offer. The property is listed at $14,850,000. Our sources say they’re paying less, but we don’t know how much.
Maybe they’re only paying $199,200 — that’s the median price of a home in the U.S.
But if they’re paying a whole lot more, people on the web have some things to say.
From Babylon Bee founder Adam Ford:

And Inez Stepman, of the Federalist:

On we go:


The Red-Headed Libertarian made an excellent point:
Others noticed, too:
Right. That house’ll be under water within 12 years. On the upside, though, all of life on earth will have been exterminated. Because of your excesses. So it won’t really matter.
To be clear, if someone has millions of dollars, I think they should enjoy it. Buy a big house — one built for a king. Even though you didn’t build that.
themystic's Avatar
Nice Crib for a Brother! My favorite part is he has a White Maid from Israel whos an illegal immigrant. Free security from Uncle Sam, free golf, and all kinds of local white pussy. MAGA!! Thank you Mr. Trump for helping out the blacks so much. Blacks have never been more prosperous than under Trump. Thank you Mr President. Im sure Trump is Elated seeing the black man rise!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thought Bambino was already bellyaching about this in another thread.

Maybe the mods can combine them into one ten-star butthurt thread.
themystic's Avatar
I thought Bambino was already bellyaching about this in another thread.

Maybe the mods can combine them into one ten-star butthurt thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thank you for your sensitivity towards Bambino by referring to his cry baby shit to "bellyaching". He is so sensitive to being referred to as "butthurt" after being pegged in his ass so many times
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The entire reason the nickname Dims came about is cause the Dims simply don't get it that Dim leadership are masked capitalists in disguise.
themystic's Avatar
The entire reason the nickname Dims came about is cause the Dims simply don't get it that Dim leadership are masked capitalists in disguise. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Im a Reagan Democrat. Is that what you mean?
That house is 15 Million? Lets take a look at something. The president makes 400,000.00 per year. Obama was in office for eight years he walked out of there with an accumulated wealth of 3.2 million. I doubt he has a mortgage so where did he get 11.8 million to buy that fucking house? Yep just what I figured he's still living off the Government, lol.
I thought Bambino was already bellyaching about this in another thread.

Maybe the mods can combine them into one ten-star butthurt thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You got it wrong Mr. Gaffe...Obummer illustrates that Capitalism is GRAND...he couldn't have had this under your and his sacred socialism...just more LIBERAL hypocrisy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im a Reagan Democrat. Is that what you mean? Originally Posted by themystic
And President Reagan apologized for that...do you??

Redhot1960's Avatar
And President Reagan apologized for that...do you??

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZMafGzDJdo Originally Posted by bb1961

Reformed democrats are the BEST CONSERVATIVES!
That house is 15 Million? Lets take a look at something. The president makes 400,000.00 per year. Obama was in office for eight years he walked out of there with an accumulated wealth of 3.2 million. I doubt he has a mortgage so where did he get 11.8 million to buy that fucking house? Yep just what I figured he's still living off the Government, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
In their defense, former President Obama had been raking in proceeds from his couple of books all during the presidency as well.

He and Michelle also walked out of the White House basically on day 1 with a minimum $65 million contract for a two book deal. 1 from Michelle(which by all rights is selling well) and 1 from the former POTUS, which I'm sure the pablum eating left will buy up too.

And the former POTUS's speaking fees(especially overseas) are phenomenal.

But Hey, on the plus side, it just shows they are joining the rest of us and becoming good greedy capitalists now. As Trump destroys his legacy as POTUS by dismantling his over burdensome regulations/etc., Barack and Michelle dismantle their own hyped up legacy of being part of and for the "little people".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That house is 15 Million? Lets take a look at something. The president makes 400,000.00 per year. Obama was in office for eight years he walked out of there with an accumulated wealth of 3.2 million. I doubt he has a mortgage so where did he get 11.8 million to buy that fucking house? Yep just what I figured he's still living off the Government, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The Obamas have made many millions off of their book deals. In 2017 they signed a joint book deal for $65 million. Michelle Obama's book has been on the bestseller's list for many, many months. Barack Obama has also made quite a bit of money off of his books and is paid very well for speaking at events. They also have several investments that have made a great deal of money over the years.

"Living off the government"? Hardly.

The Obamas have made many millions off of their book deals. In 2017 they signed a joint book deal for $65 million. Michelle Obama's book has been on the bestseller's list for many, many months. Barack Obama has also made quite a bit of money off of his books and is paid very well for speaking at events. They also have several investments that have made a great deal of money over the years.

"Living off the government"? Hardly.

https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertain...et-worth.html/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You just repeated exactly what I said.

And I applaud the Obama's for giving up their socialist schtick and becoming good capitalists like the rest of us should be.

Very admirable in my opinion. I just want the lefties to acknowledge the Obama's hypocritical nature if they don't give away the majority of their earnings instead of buying mansions and living the high life.
rexdutchman's Avatar
All I gotto say is Elite ruling class again ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,