A supervisor I used to have once said that the mistake most people make in traveling is taking too many clothes and not enough money.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Travel light enough that you don't have to check luggage at the airport. Not only do you save time post flight, you have a lot more options when your flight is cancelled/delayed.
The money thing is kind of moot because you can get more out of the ATM, but take care to have plenty of one's & fives for tips and (importantly) so you can pay the taxi driver with exact change/what you wanna pay him.
Never leave any valuables, money, especially your laptop in your hotel room,...
Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Buy a cable lock for your laptop so you can leave it in the room
*(find a place you like) & stay in the same hotel everytime.. Beyond the points/miles, the staff will know you & treat you well
*being nice usually goes further than being an ass with hotel/airline/restaurant staff
*if you don't mind eating at the bar (great when alone anyway), you can usually get into a lot of great restaurants with no wait
*if you are flying into a major metro & staying in the city, think about your expected car needs and see if you can AVOID renting a car. They are a pain in the ass at the airport, particularly to return when rushed. You can take a lot of cabs for the price of a car (not to mention parking). And you really don't want to be driving around in a city you don't know.
*don't pad your expense report (if applicable). That can get you fired! That doesn't mean you can have a nice meal (or even feel bad about it) or shouldn't expense eligible items, but don't lie.