Voter Suppression

Rodram's Avatar
Then there is the case where the dead have been known to vote.
Rodram's Avatar
And just what is the percentage of voter fraud that would have to occur to constitute such a concerted effort by every republican governer in the country to suppress the
Constitutional right of every American to vote?
Tex, this is simply an effort to take votes away from the Democratic party because democrats have the edge in registered voters.
There are alot more Americans like the veteran in this video than there are instances of voter fraud or alleged ghost that vote.
Not sure what's going on here satexasguy; however, when I saw your post ==> this wonderful legislative piece of bi-partisan work came to mind.

And before anyone around here has a "hissey fit" about it - let it be known that Texas joined South Carolina and Wisconsin (there may be four others at least) in passing the bill to curb voter fraud by demanding photo identification before letting someone cast a ballot.

Democrats failed to amend the law to allow non-photo IDS -- pieces of mail, for example like water bill receipts -- as proof enough for voting. Luckily, Republicans and some Democrats have softened the bill to make it easier for two kinds of voters.

- Voters born in 1931 or earlier do not have to show a photo ID.

- Gun owners who have concealed handgun licenses can use them to prove their identities.
Gladman's Avatar
Funny how if Nikki Haley were a Democrat, current critics would be labeled racists, as moderate Dems noted during her run last year.

Then there is the case where the dead have been known to vote. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Al Franken owes a lot to dead voters.

Not sure what's going on here satexasguy; however, when I saw your post ==> this wonderful legislative piece of bi-partisan work came to mind. Originally Posted by dennisrn
You're right over the target, D. Prepare for incoming RR flak ;-)
and ironically =====> =====> owes a lot to voters who are alive (brain dead yes == alive yes)

Zero / Zip / Nada suppression noted (thread subject) here for sure!!!

And even more ironic is the fact he actually was voted in and replaced Democratic Congressman, Adam Claton, Powell, Jr. As Chairman, Education and Labor Committee ==> Representative Powell supported the passage of important social legislation but was removed from his seat by Democratic Representatives-elect of the 90th Congress following allegations of corruption. I guess one could say some things never change !!
Rodram's Avatar
and ironically owes a lot to voters who are alive (brain dead yes == alive yes)

Zero / Zip / Nade suppression noted here for sure!!! Originally Posted by dennisrn
What are you talking about? Prove what your saying
Rodram's Avatar
Funny how if Nikki Haley were a Democrat, current critics would be labeled racists, as moderate Dems noted during her run last year.

Al Franken owes a lot to dead voters.

You're right over the target, D. Prepare for incoming RR flak ;-) Originally Posted by Gladman
All I ask is that you prove what your saying Gladman
Why prove what has already been proven? There are scores of news articles from many newspapers around the country that have reported on the dead coming to life just to vote.
A photo ID does not impede the right to vote. Nearly everyone has some type of photo ID, like a drivers licence, State ID, Military ID, and so forth.. Those that don't can get one fairly easily. Voter fraud has been reported by numerous news agencies all over the country every election year. I don't know if most photo ID's have a spot for whether or not they are a citizen of the US or not...but they should. If there is a problem with people having a photo ID why is it that the Demo's believe it would impede those who would vote for Demo's and not for a Republican?
Rodram's Avatar
Why prove what has already been proven? There are scores of news articles from many newspapers around the country that have reported on the dead coming to life just to vote. Originally Posted by satexasguy
C'mon Tex really? I can't believe you just said that.
Rodram's Avatar
A photo ID does not impede the right to vote. Nearly everyone has some type of photo ID, like a drivers licence, State ID, Military ID, and so forth.. Those that don't can get one fairly easily. Voter fraud has been reported by numerous news agencies all over the country every election year. I don't know if most photo ID's have a spot for whether or not they are a citizen of the US or not...but they should. If there is a problem with people having a photo ID why is it that the Demo's believe it would impede those who would vote for Demo's and not for a Republican? Originally Posted by Jdriller
J, did you read what I posted and click on any of the links in the article? Democrats are not the ones alleging voter fraud J, republicans are the ones that are saying this and changing what has been in place for years. And by the way, why should I believe what you're saying? Where is your proof?
what is wrong with what I said? Newpapers, especially in South/Central Texas have long reported on voting violations/discrepencies in which someone who has been dead for some time managed to cast a vote. Voting records showed this. This is especially prevelant in border cities like Laredo. And no, I am not going to waste my time doing research for you to show you charts, graphs, articles, etc. to prove what I am saying. I have personally read these articles in the past.
gooose's Avatar
WE already know that posting articles, graphs, and charts will not do a damn thing. Some people have their minds made up and will disregard anything that doesn't share their views.
Rodram's Avatar
what is wrong with what I said? Newpapers, especially in South/Central Texas have long reported on voting violations/discrepencies in which someone who has been dead for some time managed to cast a vote. Voting records showed this. This is especially prevelant in border cities like Laredo. And no, I am not going to waste my time doing research for you to show you charts, graphs, articles, etc. to prove what I am saying. I have personally read these articles in the past. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Doing research for me? You're not gonna waste your time to prove your own point?

Then you won't mind if I say that you are a political terrorist bent on lying to the public and intentionally trying to illegally influence elections.

You want me to prove myself? OK, its true because I said so and I read a paper once.

What world can you be in where you can just say and do anything you want without accountability?!? Where is this planet?