a fellow monger needs some advise....

i will be passing through this week end and i’m looking for a spot that has em young and lean. i’m spoiled on the vegas asians and i’ve been spending some time in the amps in dallas also...please help
Dude, I wish I could help, but young and lean is hit and miss here. Good service and full service can be found, but not necessarily young. I was in Dallas recently, man those guys are spoiled!
Young and Lean is hard to find.

I'd go see Susie at the AMP on Central, near Washington. She's got great reviews and has only been in town a month or so. Hopefully she's still there.
I saw her at AN on lomas (4801) yesterday. A gem 💎
RainJ69's Avatar
And that’s why you want to get phone numbers for the rare gems. Susie texted me a couple days ago to let me know. I damn near broke her pussy on my last visit to see her. We went at it for a looooooong time with her thrashing around and wanting it multiple ways.
Dallas amps will ruin you for life.
So Susie is at Lomas now? Been wanting to see her again.