
1. First, Definitions Are Provided to Include Computers and the Internet

2. New Felonies in Texas Penal Code §§43.031, 43.041

3. Texas Penal Code §43.031: Online Promotion of Prostitution

4. Texas Penal Code §43.041: Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution

5. Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Amended Regarding Human Trafficking

6. Texas Penal Code Amended Regarding Knowing Conduct

Maybe not on a Sunday or Monday Labor Day but, be prepared anyways.
820 new Texas laws go into effect on Sunday.

It appears it is targeting two well know forums in this area.
Maybe this will limit AMP promotions in AMP section.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I think that while it's main purpose is to deter trafficking against a provider's will (aka pimping), it looks like the new law is also referring to websites such as this one that allows the platform for traffickers to advertise their flock to be held legally accountable. Indirectly, it will affect indy providers as well.

I have no doubt there will be more LE impersonators online to make even more stings to both hobbyists and providers alike. Everyone knows a couple of stings and mentioning Eccie as a foundation origination for them on the news and the hobbyist/provider herd on here will definitely scatter.

Here is an example: Even tho it would be a lot of work, like Eccie does. LE can trace IP addresses and take it a step further, getting a physical address. Since anyone with internet access can create an account here, I am sure LE has some already. We all know reviews can be interpretive, but at the same time, LE can follow a person around on this site (kinda like personal trolls do, the difference being they do not quote posts and refute it), NOTHING is private on the internet, including PMs, and find out when their next appointment is, follow them to it, and bust them in the act.

If you do not have regulars and are one of those one and done hobbyists or one of the many providers who depend upon 95%+ of your business to be first timers because no one repeats with you as your service is below average, then you may just be SOL in this world after Sept 1.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I think that while it's main purpose is to deter trafficking against a provider's will (aka pimping), it looks like the new law is also referring to websites such as this one that allows the platform for traffickers to advertise their flock to be held legally accountable. Indirectly, it will affect indy providers as well.

I have no doubt there will be more LE impersonators online to make even more stings to both hobbyists and providers alike. Everyone knows a couple of stings and mentioning Eccie as a foundation origination for them on the news and the hobbyist/provider herd on here will definitely scatter.

Even tho it would be a lot of work, like Eccie does. LE can trace IP addresses and take it a step further, getting a physical address.

If you do not have regulars and are one of those one and done hobbyists or one of the many providers who depend upon 95%+ of your business to be first timers because no one repeats with you as your service is below average, then you may just be SOL in this world after Sept 1. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Leo would need a court order to run ip addresses, IIRC
Backpage is not the first sex-work-advertising platform the government has shut down—there was MyRedBook, in 2014, and Rentboy, in 2017. Craigslist voluntarily shut down its erotic services section in 2010, in response to warnings from the Justice Department.

820 new Texas laws go into effect in September. Here are some that might affect you.


Here’s Everything You Need To Know About ECCIE,
The Website That Actually Lets You Review Sex Workers
posted By Jerome London, March 29th 2018


mtabsw's Avatar
The interesting part to me is the mixing of Trafficking and Prostitution throughout.

A cop from the Trafficking unit conducted a training session I attended and was quite adamant on the distinction.

Trafficking according to the officer is ONLY about those who are not of legal age, or are not legally in the country.

Everything else is prostitution, whether you're a free spiriting hottie on your own, or controlled by a fearsome pimp, or driven by the supplier of your illicit habits.
If the site is checking devices were all fucked. Using a WiFi from a McDonald’s
Leo can’t figure who you are. But if the site is using a device “ reader “ it can be traced back to the purchase. Credit card etc....

Leo will obtain that info. For prosecution.
I like this new law that goes into effect:

No more stealing packages: Thieves who steal packages from people’s front porches will start facing stiffer penalties. Penalties range from a Class A misdemeanor to a third-degree felony, depending on the number of addresses mail is taken from.
TinMan's Avatar
I really don’t see the state spending a lot of time tracking the IP addresses of your average monger. I can see them targeting some folks that it feels contribute to the problem, and leaning on those guys to get at the pimps, brothel-owners, etc.

Now, as to the original question of what it means to sites like this...I’m as curious as the next person. I’ll be interested to see if there are any more shutdowns as we saw in April, 2018.
CG2014's Avatar
From reading the info on the page CopierGuy posted the link to, that's a pretty broad painbrush stroke law.

Are the Texas prosecutors going to go after Sony or X-Box or Facebook or Tinder, etc because someone used their platform to advertise sex for sale?

That's the interpretation I got from reading it.
Brandofan's Avatar
Should any of us be concerned by B3's new user title?
Should any of us be concerned by B3's new user title? Originally Posted by Brandofan
No harmless.
But I’d get rid of any devices used on this site.

As of September of 2019, Online Promotion of Prostitution is to be codified at Section 43.031 of the Texas Penal Code. Subsection (a) describes the offense as follows:

A person commits an offense if the person owns, manages, or operates an interactive computer service or information content provider, or operates as an information content provider, with the intent to promote the prostitution of another person or facilitate another person to engage in prostitution.

What is the punishment range for Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution?

The lowest classification for Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution will be a second degree felony, except that the offense is a felony of the first degree if you have been previously convicted of the same offense or the state convinces a jury that you engaged in conduct involving two or more persons younger than 18 years of age engaging in prostitution, regardless of whether you knew the age of the persons at the time of the offense.

It appears they love to enforce NEW laws on September 1.
Don't they know that rent is due on the 1st?


As of September of 2019, Online Promotion of Prostitution is to be codified at Section 43.031 of the Texas Penal Code. Subsection (a) describes the offense as follows:

A person commits an offense if the person owns, manages, or operates an interactive computer service or information content provider, or operates as an information content provider, with the intent to promote the prostitution of another person or facilitate another person to engage in prostitution.

What is the punishment range for Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution?

The lowest classification for Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution will be a second degree felony,1 except that the offense is a felony of the first degree if you have been previously convicted of the same offense2 or the state convinces a jury that you engaged in conduct involving two or more persons younger than 18 years of age engaging in prostitution, regardless of whether you knew the age of the persons at the time of the offense.3

It appears they love to enforce NEW laws on September 1.
Don't they know that rent is due on the 1st?

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Is that why St C is gone ????
CG2014's Avatar
I think it will be alright.

That's all I can say without getting in trouble.