It was brought to my attention that I appear to attacking or have agenda against Blue. I don’t have specific problem with Blue. I like Blue as much as other spa. I have problem with Blue just like I have problem with other spa.
I was just having problem with off/fake reviews by promoters and ridiculously heavy promoting. Just happened to be Blue and yes I wasted my money at blue from promoters’ off reviews but other places also.
When GHOST and JTBC and other Blue promoters decide to make insulting comments, name calling, accuse me of things, and accused me of someone I am not, I decide to hit back. My hitting back ended up targeting Blue because they work for you.
So there it is. I have problems with fake/off reviews by promoters and heavy bumping to bury other legit reviews.
I know you have 30 some promoters and handles. Congrats, you have built an empire in this board. BUT it will catch up to you unless you control your soldiers. I know I will be avoiding Blue and Juju (two heavy fake promoted AMP in Dallas)