Encounter: Op Rotasian Fail

Date: 9/2/19
Name: Never Got
Phone: 872-400-9980
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://cityxguide.com/escorts/asian...l-new-17146136
City: Overland Park
State: Kansas
Address: 135th west of 69
Activities: Waste of time. None
Hair Length and Color: Long Brown
Age: 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: a bit large for a asian girl. Soft curvy figure. c or D cup would guess. Short, not very good with english. Some potential but negative score on skills. Completely wrong line of work. Terrible.. just Terrible.
Recommendation: No
reallyniceguy's Avatar
My friend, I will join you at the roatasian-anonymous meetings.

My little head thinks for me a bit too much too. Thanks for taking the hit and sharing. Now I know for sure this period rotation is not worth a look at all.