Encounter: Amina is sweet

Date: August 23, 2019 *
Name: Amina
Phone: 816-890-3935
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://kc.rubratings.com/146788
City: Overland Park
State: Kansas
Address: Near 435
Activities: FBSM, HJ
Hair Length and Color: Very long curly black hair
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Tall, curvy girl. Nice large breasts, a bit bigger than her photos.
Recommendation: Yes

staff edit: add date per OP-S31
Date: August 2019

Thank you for submitting an encounter report. In order for you to get Premium Access credit, we will need a more specific date.

Send a PM to me with a more specific date and I will edit the report and approve for PA credit.