This is either a huge deal or a total nothing. Drove by Luxury around 9 and a large black man in a blue car was staked out on the other side of the parking lot with the door open facing the place. Drove by 2 hours later and same guy, same car, same position. Just FYI.
Yup I saw the same guy when I was seeing Shasha. He was not there at 8pm when I arrived for my session. He was there when I left. Were you the guy in the black Corvette?
Nope. White truck. I drove by on Harry Hines and seen he was still there but parked right in front of the door on the other side. Wasnt there someone earlier talking about a person snapping shots of people leaving spas?
Yes, although I'm not sure what's motivating him. Unless he can look up plates to names and addresses and plans on posting them publically. He could also just be there trying to make folks nervous.
Im not sure. Someone just Pmd me saying he may be living in his car and is just parked there. His car is beat up but it seems like an odd place to squat. I didnt see a camera on him.
That's definitely plausible I saw a couple of fans in his car.
If he is hard on his luck I'd like to go help him but its tough to approach someone like that without invading their privacy.
Nope. White truck. I drove by on Harry Hines and seen he was still there but parked right in front of the door on the other side. Wasnt there someone earlier talking about a person snapping shots of people leaving spas? Originally Posted by orlando2715
This black guy was not taking pics of anyone, at least I'm quite sure he's not. After reading this thread and because I was hanging out at a friend's place near the area, I decided to check out this situation.

On the way, I stopped by a Taco Bell drive thru and bought a Chalupa Cravings meal (soft n chewy beef chalupa, crispy beef hard shell taco, succulent beefy five layer burrito, crispy cinnamon twists, and a chilled sweet lightning mountain dew peach and honey soda, some hot salsa packets thrown in too). I approached the guy slowly and said "I have some food for you".

The guy seemed grateful. He's not talkative but it's clear that he's living out of his car. He told me he lost his job a while ago and has been dipping into his savings. Hasn't found a new job yet and almost out of money. I asked him why he chose this spot to hang out. He said no particular reason but it looked safe and like a place where he wouldn't be harassed by anyone. He told me he's applying for fast food & retail jobs but "all the Mexicans got those before I could."

I wished him the best and drove out of there. The guy seems legit. I really doubt he was taking pics of anyone or taking pics of license plates. Don't worry guys. I understand that this hobby can make you paranoid but you will find these kinds of guys everywhere. The last thing they want to do is go to the authorities.
Thank you for helping that man out. He seemed out of place so I felt the need to put out an alert just to be on the safe side.
Thank you for helping that man out. He seemed out of place so I felt the need to put out an alert just to be on the safe side. Originally Posted by orlando2715
You did the right thing, orlando2715. Better to be safe than sorry.

As for helping the man out, I bought him a cheap fast food meal. I'm sure some of you would have done a lot more for him than that. In fact I wish I had given him some cash in addition to the meal. Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20. Hope life gets better for him though.
Yes he was suspicious so I blew the wistle. Glad this story has a happy ending for all and he at least got a meal out of it. If I drive by tomorrow I will try to stop and see if I can do anything for him.
I saw him this morning, I had a few minutes to kill before my appointment at blue, not sure why he chose that spot..
That is probably who I saw about 2 weeks ago. I saw BB and left around 9:00 and noticed him with the car door open, facing Luxury. I paused and made eye contact, he looked harmless, like he was searching in his car for something
Doug4343's Avatar
Tell him to watch for LE and well bring him a steak dinner next time instead of taco bell...rolf
  • Shiva
  • 09-07-2019, 11:39 AM
I will also give him some money the next time I am in the area.