Hobbyist please chime in with your opinions..☺

I've been discussing several topics today with several Sexy reputable provider's regarding a lot of things.
We meet up when things related to finances and rules in the game pop up.
I know it's hard for so many of you gentlemen to believe that we are Business Men here too😉.

It's not just orgasms and fun .
It's our mortgages and several,other notes. No there's no 401..but there's also a creative manner in which we file taxes and invest ect.

We are happy in being your fantasy☺..for several reasons and the primary is MONEY...😕just keepin..it real😋

So after my day with the ladies and a lot of martinis & thought they opted out in posting here because we can't even share we are friends due to several reasons.
They are GFE..barbies..im PSEXXX..um wildwoman..im Momma..😂they are younger well 2 of them
Our being affiliated might not help them in business because they do not rim..and I don't play pretend your my long lost lover..😄
I can't do gfe😶

I'm real.
So here's the scoop..and it's not just me guys.

To solve no shows:

It looks like from now on "Some ladies" might be double booking appts due to no shows..and you may be asked to wait if you do indeed arrive at scheduled time.

Deposits will be taking effect by some more than you think And it for not take a genius to figure out how to go around it without leaving a paper trail..☺

Rate increases..😞..yup.
Not right away but you will slowly see it , because it's becoming more of a hassle to entertain than fun and expenses incurred to provide in a Sexy fun safe manner.

It's just not worth it now for the old rate...😕

All of these changes are being made not because of US...but Some of YOU that do not respect our time and think it's ok to schedule and then become another no-show.

It's not worth it otherwise.

Provider's like to be spoiled ☺

😈Spoil us if you want to be spoiled.

😘🤗and Hugs, licks and teabaggin and rimming to All the Sexy AF Gentlemen that do spoil and respect the game.

It's just becoming more of a Risk..and a hassle to some that mentioned just concentrating on regular career..

And that bites

So my question is...

If you had to do deal with one of the three options below would you choose..A.B.C or D?

A.) Book another when I schedule because I don't trust myself I can't commit to even the next hour.

B.) Secure my spot when I call and VIP my ass..I will pay more if the rate increases.

C.) SECURE MY SPOT I'M WITH HIGH IQ..found a clever manner in which to leave a 50.00 dollar deposit to make sure I'm the only one and You will be relaxed before I arrive in knowing I'm truly a Gentleman coming to see you Sweetness.

D.) YO..I NO SPEAK ENGLISH..Huh.what yo mean what?
Yo ho!

😋...thank you.
nascobar21's Avatar
Venus.....what about the guys that are always on time and always show up? These guys understand that the provider's time is valuable. They also understand their time is valuable. I am one and done with a provider that cancels on me when I confirmed with her that morning. I'm also fair....if for some crazy reason I have to cancel on her I always pay for the session whether I show up or not.

I understand what you are considering but it will affect the other hobbyist that always do the right thing.
Those are the ones ladies want to keep.....not push away.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Its up to you if you want to destroy your "business". No need to post here and tell us about it. Good luck
I have no interest in the behind the scenes business of providers or their reasoning behind their business decisions. Even in today’s hobbling situation it’s a buyers market. I for one will never pay a deposit and for price only the free market will determine that. We live in one of the largest cities in the country so there will always be an influx of new providers at every price point. Good luck with you business model.
  • RK2
  • 09-09-2019, 07:01 AM
I am not as seasoned as some of the other gents but I do study the "arts" and one of the consistent themes that come up is the unwritten rule of "never ever place a deposit". Apparently that is the number one scam out there and kind of has been used as a litmus test to separate the scammers from the legit honest providers. Now, apparently gents pay a deposit because the scam works, so if that is the business model you choose I wish you well but I suspect a majority of the honest gents looking to hire will exclude you quite quickly when they see deposit with a cash app is required. Best of luck.....
Under no circumstances would I ever consider giving anyone a deposit. In this business there is a lot of competition out there which allows guys to pick and choose who they want to do business with.
Hi There!
�� its nice to see all of you posting!
Yay..its alive more than ever here��
Thank you so very much for your thoughts and from the sound of it, it appears that most of you would fall into the A.) B.)D.) Category

Because C was shot to hell,��

HappyHobbying...and party on��
Samcro84's Avatar
Venus.....what about the guys that are always on time and always show up? These guys understand that the provider's time is valuable. They also understand their time is valuable. I am one and done with a provider that cancels on me when I confirmed with her that morning. I'm also fair....if for some crazy reason I have to cancel on her I always pay for the session whether I show up or not.

I understand what you are considering but it will affect the other hobbyist that always do the right thing.
Those are the ones ladies want to keep.....not push away. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Us good guys suffer just like the others. I have been will continue to see my regs that do treat me right.
nascobar21's Avatar
Us good guys suffer just like the others. I have been will continue to see my regs that do treat me right. Originally Posted by Samcro84
Well said
If you look back over the last 5 years rates have increased substantially. Many may look to other alternatives.
Deposits...... nope, too much risk.
My rates have actually gone down with better service. Just got to be resourceful.

Deposits? Are you kidding lol.
Deposits will be like Hairy Balls where back in the ASPD days..
I used to beg guys to manscape..because I'm orally ��fixated And in my sig line
I think I used to have..
Deepthroat sucks
& licks allover
Your sweet
Shaved balls
I mentioned shaves balls alot..☺..and guess what...everyonr is almost shaved now!
Yes way...
Ask Dearhunter...i think he would remember those postings..because I think he used to pick on my shaved
Balls comments..
I do ❤shaved balls��

It's just common courtesy if a lady is down there for a while..��
Like the deposits to avoid no-show drama .
I'm sure like the shaved balls in 2 years it will be expected ��

Your opinions are greatly appreciated thank you for expressing how you feel☺even though it's not a shared opinion��
nascobar21's Avatar
Oh excuse me for being so Raunchy NASCOBAR..☺
Pardon me for getting a little bit too comfy.
I think out loud too often online��