Not sure if I should mention this to this hobbyist or just post this here..😞

So yesterday after meeting with a very sexy client that brought over a bottle of wine ( if your reading this i do hope next time we MfM Sexy😘..or get to use all the toys in your you bag&#128520
I did the usual shower , clean up the room..and this time I finished the rest of the bottle of wine😁..well almost so when my 7:30 arrived I was feeling pretty good😀...maybe that's why my alerts where off?
I don't know.
Here's what happened he walks in and In a very Gregarious manner pulls out a huge roll of bills it was huge!
( they where all 1.00 dollar bills)
Anyway, He pulls them out and says I'm going to make it rain now baby...your turn to make me rain!!
I was just like 🤤..😀okay.
So we visited for 2 hours had a blast and then after he left I finished picking up the dollar bills.
I just noticed there's 28 missing from the rate amount😐
He scammed me.
I know it only 28 dollars but still I made him rain until it was
Should I mention it or just let it let it go maybe if he reads this he will contact me?
I'm too embarrassed to mention it because he went over and beyond in planning his visit over because after he threw the dollars all over the place he dropped his pants and has a surprise wrapped around his huge cock ring..that was vibrating and he did a little cock dance😀

Ladies please chime in let it go?
Or this kind of behavior only allows future visits where next time it might be minus 50 or 100?

I know it's just 28.00
But they add up.🙄
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
It was probably unintentional, easy to mis-count with a stack that big; let him know about the shortage. This gives me an idea on how to spend all the rolled pennies I have.
Brittneyy's Avatar
It for sure could have been a mistake but I would let him know.
Id hate to be thinking about it the next time visiting
And it possibly happening again.
Even if its not a big deal just
gives both sides a bit of closure
sharkman29's Avatar
Did he not pay his deposit?
Why would anyone bother to go to a bank and get that many dollar bills? Sure he shorted you because he knew you wouldn't take the time to count them. He knew exactly what he was doing or......he was too stupid to count. Both are bad.
Women have got to understand and have enough money saved up to not accept bullshit. Women truly have the power but absolutely just give it away. Your vagina has power, demand respect. This isn’t s strip club sir. I’m not walking around my hotel room picking up dollars. If you want that go to a strip club. Present my money to me in a reasonably acceptable way at the beginning of the session or simply find someone else. Powerful words of empowerment to yourself ladies. You have something we want and sometimes the sexual urge supercedes anything rational. Use that to not allow yourself to have some jackass throwing ones around the room . Just my you had to literally walk around the room picking that shit up which might have took an extra 30 minutes or so. You deserve better snd all women do
Why is this even a question? The guy shorted you intentional or not he owes you. I know you are not a shrinking violet, grow some ovaries and get whats owed you.
Why is this even a question? The guy shorted you intentional or not he owes you. I know you are not a shrinking violet, grow some ovaries and get whats owed you. Originally Posted by peabody
I would’ve counted the money first before he made it rain. It only takes 5-10 min.

In the mean time, offer him to take a shower & freshen up. Or have a drink
Thank you all for all of your comments, I do appreciate them he must have read this he came over and took care of it properly after reading this ��and we spent another 2 hours in bliss today.��
He has a home in River Oaks I entertained him there today��
It was the best��ever!
Venus has to be the smartest woman in this thing. Subliminal messages. Plus she is a complete freak pse wise. Damn you are smart as fuck as well.
Good advise by all the guys above. I would bring it up to him and see if he will make it up. I know I would.
And Sweet...I like to share..��
Yabba..i just finished giving a provider asking about seeing you a huge thumbs up in regards to you!!
It's a Naughty Circle of XXXFun here where we all need to respect each other because we all kind of want the same thing without the hassles..or bullshit..right?
Thank you Eccie For Keeping the board up and allowing us to continue the fun...even with the new changes������..and Fizley I don't need to bring it up to him he obviously read the post and called its already been taken care of..��..and I made him exxxplide 3 more times today��
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