Questions for ladies on Doubles

Tell us why you do / or do not like / do - doubles (two female providers and one male client)
1. Do you just prefer not to do doubles at all? Why?
2. If you do doubles, is it JUST because your client request them?
3. If you truly like to do doubles, do you already - ahead of time, have a girl, girlfriend, or friendly provider already set up when the request comes in? Or do you enjoy doubles with another provider you have never been with before?
4. Given your absolute preference, would you prefer one on one or the fun in doubles?
5. What has been your most double enjoyable experience, and what made it so?
AlluringStacy's Avatar
I love to play with girls but the only worry I could probably say I have is if she's enjoying herself as well. It has to be mutual or it just won't be right.
I like it when a man books for a doubles it only gives us a chance to play together even more. What can I day I like best of BOTH world's!!

And I would hope a lady has her best friend or partner in crime in line to do doubles with. It would be stressful having to look for a new lady everytime someone books a doubles.

Not but not least I enjoy doing doubles but I also enjoy by myself as well im never opposed to that.

DallasRain's Avatar
I have a realworld girlfriend provider in Dallas..we actually luv doing doubles cause we get extra playtimes!

All my other doubles gals are fun too...I think its something about good connections that make doubles epic!