Ok, this is it...my surgery is Monday!

Ok, so the long anticipated date has arrived. Tonight is going to be a long sleepless night! My surgery is in the morning, at 9:45 a.m. I'm nervous, yet oh so anxious to be pain-free and back to my old crotchety self again! At least this time, I will be close to home during my hospital stay and not in Chicago all alone and scared.

I will probably be coming home on Wednesday, providing there are no complications, which I do not anticipate. So if nobody has anything better to do and would like to come cheer me up and see me at my absolute worst, pay me a visit!

I will be at USMD Arlington Hospital. If you want to come visit me, you can contact Nicole Preston, Lisa Lisa or Boltfan. They will all know how to get in contact with me and have my room number.

I will have access to my email, but not the board. Since we all know there is crap on TV, shoot me an email and keep me busy! 2setshotlips@gmail.com

Well folks, that's about it. I would like to thank those of you who have been there for me throughout my illness, and for the guys who have visited with me this week to keep me upbeat.

I would love to be nice for this entire thread but that just wouldn't be my style. So for all you pot stirrers, LMAO

See you folks on the rebound!

HOOK'EM's Avatar
Good Luck and I wish you well.
I hope everything goes well. If you need anything when you get home please let me know.
Boltfan's Avatar
I have always had a fantasy of getting a handjob in a hospital. Now I get my chance :-)
I have always had a fantasy of getting a handjob in a hospital. Now I get my chance :-) Originally Posted by Boltfan
LMAO you moron
Boltfan that is so something you would say, giggling. But you have some nice looking eyes..drooling.

Hotlips i got you info, i'll do my best to hitch a ride and come bother you. Good luck on your surgery. Please have a speedy recovery! Hugs

Pearl Man's Avatar
Bigger Boobs? Why? LOL.
Well.... look at it as a vacation from me and I'll be here when you get back.
gman44's Avatar
Meg, I hope all goes well tomorrow
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Go Steelers
Imagine That's Avatar
Meg, Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. My prayers are with you and hope you have a quick recovery.

Imagine That
steverino50's Avatar
Meg, you will be in my thoughts and prayers that your surgery is effective and uneventful. We will save all the EVENTS for AFTER your quick and easy recovery.
Good luck hotlips... always thinking about you.
I wish you the best Meg and You are in my prayers
Hotlips, hope all goes well and I'm sure You are looking forward to finally feeling 100 percent! If you need anything let me know.