CIA and Phony Vaccines!?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We simply MUST put some adults in charge! I can't believe MY country would pull something like this.

And is this in some Tea Party or Rush Limbaugh rag? NO! It's SLATE for chrissakes!

We've gone from Yes We Can to We Did What?!

Yup I agree with you. This was an utterly bone headed idea. The potential consequences going forward could be a nightmare.

In the interest of fairness though, I have no doubt whatsoever that if the same idea had been pitched to the Bush administration, they'd have signed off on it with no qualms either.

The real problem is that regardless of whether we are talking strategy in the war on terror, foreign policy in general, or domestic policy in all forms, our leaders constantly make decisions for expediency, with absolutely no regard for long term consequences. "Let the other guy worry about it" has been the policy of this gov't for decades.

As time goes by, I become more and more convinced that somewhere out there, is a medical facility which performs the requisite frontal lobotomy secretly required of all elected officials before they can be sworn in. Maybe its somewhere in Area 51
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, someone is awake here. And you are right, Stacey. President Bush would have jumped on this vaccinatory strategery as soon as Cheney said "Go." If nothing else, I was hoping President Obama would have had a little more sense than this, but the Military Industrial Complex has co-opted him as well.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
The mistake you make is to think there's a damn bit of difference between them when there's not. Two extremes of the same turd is still shit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Elegantly put, EL. And you are correct, sir.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
COG, what exactly is your beef with the article's subject? You don't really say why you have your panties in a bunch?
dirty dog's Avatar
COG, what exactly is your beef with the article's subject? You don't really say why you have your panties in a bunch? Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
At least there not down around his ankles like they normally are lol.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least there not down around his ankles like they normally are lol.
Originally Posted by dirty dog
That's only when I am with you, DD!

What bothers me is that we were posing as health providers, now giving credence to every health care provider in a war zone being a CIA spy. Now they are ALL at risk. We lied to innocent Pakistanis, and it is hard enough to get them to trust us. Also, many now think they are vaccinated, when they are not.

And we KNEW where bin Laden was! This is so stupid on so many levels, and will have a negative effect on our soldiers for years to come.

There is also someone very close to me who is in medical school for the express purpose of providing health care to people in third world and war torn countries. She now has a target on her back.

President Obama lied when he said he was going to scale back the wars. Now he has made it so American health care providers all over the world will be suspect, and when they are captured and/or killed as spies, what do we say? "No, that can't be." Well, now there is precedent. Dammit, this lunacy has to stop!

Cute=Big Lie!

So get over yourself and just accept that it is all your fault!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is old news. Check movie and TV plots for the last 40 years. It used to be a main stay that doctors and nurses overseas were always suspected of being spies. Hollywood doesn't have the imagination to make this stuff up. They got it from headlines of the 60s and on. Didn't you know the Peace Corps was a big CIA plot? That was the belief of the world.
Okay, it does suck that operations like this will put the lives of health professionals in danger. It is worse that it was outed. If this thing happenes (and I am sure that it does) it should stay buried forever. The other side is that even if this was and always has been false the bad guys will still say that it is true. So you can't win. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Of course some of the naysayers were cheering the death of OBL which was the big goal of this operation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Catnip! You're back! I missed you, man. Your post didn't make any sense. It brought back a lot of memories.

I never left. I merely lurked and watched while rightwing nutbagz came really close to destroying the country. The damage done may not be over.

You just fear my clarity of thought and the idea that I reject the mud puppy thoughts of your brain.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, hiding the basement playing with themselves. I knew it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

I never left. I merely lurked and watched while rightwing nutbagz came really close to destroying the country. The damage done may not be over.

You just fear my clarity of thought and the idea that I reject the mud puppy thoughts of your brain. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
LOL! Glad you're still getting plenty of liquids.