
How come nobody is doing any reviews as much? Is erie that bad that no good escorts are around?
Name 5 good ones
Supply is dead. Go check.stg its the same 10
I've only been in the hobby maybe 4 years, and I've noticed a steady decline of the years. Any old timers have an opinion on why? What was the hobby like, say 10 years ago?
Dr-epg's Avatar
It’s been very slow in the area lately. I can say about 10 years ago Erie was happening we always had girls visiting, those were the good times.
All the Erie girls are now on SA and are college chicks or recently divorced moms. They don't want reviews. I have 3 from SA I see regulary and 3 UTR's from the old indy's days. All are 7-9 in looks and body. 4 spinners and 2 just shy of being spinners. All depends on the effort you want to put in. I pay tops 80$ for any of them and at least once a month I'll get free visits because I'm "so kind and nice".
Long piping chicks's Avatar
It’s a good supply of pussy in Erie guys trust me I know ,I got so many encounters I can post that can last up to a year& not with the same women& 90% don’t post on escorts sites Erie is alive & well
Chickie's Avatar
I gave up Erie.
Long piping chicks's Avatar
It will get better chickie be patient but u know u can always pm me,I will hook u up 4real with some freaks lol
All the Erie girls are now on SA and are college chicks or recently divorced moms. They don't want reviews. I have 3 from SA I see regulary and 3 UTR's from the old indy's days. All are 7-9 in looks and body. 4 spinners and 2 just shy of being spinners. All depends on the effort you want to put in. I pay tops 80$ for any of them and at least once a month I'll get free visits because I'm "so kind and nice". Originally Posted by luckyman1
Please pm me some good sa providers
Me too
Gentleman, do the work, spend the $90 to join, you will be successful
Gentleman, do the work, spend the $90 to join, you will be successful Originally Posted by luckyman1
Thats what im asking who should i be looking for in the erie area as a seeking member
Bababooie's Avatar
I tried SA, didn't work for me. But I admit I lose interest when they don't respond in a timely fashion. A lot of promises, no real results.
Long piping chicks's Avatar
True also