Justice Department's Russia origins probe now formal criminal investigation

I B Hankering's Avatar
Watch the dim-retard roaches scurry to their shit-infested holes.

Justice Department's Russia origins probe now formal criminal investigation

(Washington Times)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
criminal investigation? now this is getting interesting.

what charges do you think will be filed? I'm sure perjury is one of them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HEY! I got there first! i posted 10 minutes before IB! I WIN!



yeah it's on. BIGLY. Steele turned and now the rats be runnin'
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
HEY! I got there first! i posted 10 minutes before IB! I WIN!



yeah it's on. BIGLY. Steele turned and now the rats be runnin' Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I looked at the time stamp. my time is central time.

IB posted at 10:22pm

waco posted at 10:59pm.

sorry waco, you lose!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I looked at the time stamp. my time is central time.

IB posted at 10:22pm

waco posted at 10:59pm.

sorry waco, you lose! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

well don't let that get in the way of the truth.

to the 5 leftists who post here .. WE TOLD YOU!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like the rats are complaining about DOJ going after Trump's enemies.

if the rats broke laws, should one expect DOJ to look the other way????
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2019, 06:58 AM
Of course the DPST's are bitterly complaining that it is "Political Payback".

yet the house witch-hunts continue - as political payback for the 2016 election. !

About time light is shed on the dirty DPST's!