Broke the bead..cracked a mirror..broke a toe..ect

DallasRain's Avatar
Well as I sit here at home on the dreary weather Springfield has produced today..I am reminiscing to myself about funny things that has happened in the hobby...Im gonna share a few stories..then you share yours!

I was in the shower with a gent washing his back when bammm I slipped and fell and slide under him..I bruised my tailbone!

I was playing hard at my shag pad..there are mirrors along my wall next to the bed...the guy got really rambunctious,threw me off him and I heard a CRACK...well I had cracked one of the mirrors AND busted my toe!

I had a bubblebath ran for a gent in a hotel...I put in too many bubbles...we had a huge mess of bubbles the tub and all over the bathroom!

Now you tell yours!!!

(Btw I am at home putting my Halloween decor out in the coming is gonna be a bitchin fright fest! Lol)..happy halloween all!!