Dallas Fortworth 10/28

Aonegonexx's Avatar
Ladies if any of you are interested in discussion on below topic or if you recently uploaded images to your Image Gallery, pls respond by saying Yes.

"Whole country of the system is just opposition by the dev glowing because you are sapasticared by ralaration intaav seekeseshan by the tumesher "
pmdelites's Avatar
is that a new language, you got horribly fat finger, or been hitting the vaping device or the bottle too much??

btw, i am not a provider & dont play one on tv or on stage.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Read the part you can understand and is relevant to this board, rest is just.......lets rather not say it.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
If you add images to your gallery, no body knows about it. Let it be known by posting.
I have recently uploaded photos
I tried to upload pics kept failing.
Thank goodness I have a gallery on my website and their are other avenues.
Uploaded new pics!