Taylor Nicole?

Has anyone seen Taylor Nicole? Ive seen her posting on another site but cant seem to find any reviews on any of the boards.
formalattire's Avatar
I personally have not sought her out because of the rumor of poor IOP.
European's Avatar
I have not met with her but she is legit. Mixed reviews from what I gather YMMV.
I saw her a few years ago. I wouldnt go back for seconds. She is legit and will get the job done, but she doesnt act like she enjoys her job.
Saw an attitude problem when communicating with her. Made me worry about safety and poor impulse control. Seemed chaotic.
If this is the same Nicole Taylor from South Texas. Around pharr and Edinburgh.
She was legit. Was actually a pretty wonderful person but that was years and years ago. Not sure if we’re talking about the same person.
Mixed race? Brown skin curly hair fat butt.
Very intelligent.