
And it stated they pulled all their electronica devices, Credit Card, and probably video recorders that have their cameras hooked up to them.
I have a big feeling Kansas sides going to be next within a few weeks, Raids on all of the Asain SPA, It’s about that time of the year..
They always follow the Missouri side or KCPD will go after all the other locations.
Records show it’s 2500 to 5000 fine for prostitution cases. If you pled down the charge.
CrashtestCock's Avatar
Well shit! There goes my day....
Well fuck, there goes the neighborhood.
Doesn't sound like a happy ending for the dude in the room. I hope the Sheriff at least cut him a refund. One shocking thing is that it says nothing about the guys being arrested or detained and it was obvious that one guy was in the process of a happy ending and another guy admitted to a happy ending.
"the man was in an excited state", lol not for long.

"found evidence of seminal fluid within the room", maybe on ceiling?
Doesn't sound like a happy ending for the dude in the room. I hope the Sheriff at least cut him a refund. One shocking thing is that it says nothing about the guys being arrested or detained and it was obvious that one guy was in the process of a happy ending and another guy admitted to a happy ending. Originally Posted by orlando2715
Never admit to anything...."I just went there for a massage and that's what I got".....or smarter still, say NOTHING!!!!

"sorry Officer, but I have no statement at this time. Am I being detained?" the cops fight criminal activity but never indict yourself or admit to wrongdoing of petty stuff like this.

Your welcome, I normally charge $200 an hour for this advice.
Call Mr. Kraft
this is why we can't have nice things
Playthegame's Avatar
There goes summer
She’s the somewhat crazy chick that at least used to go by Lucy. Next to the plumbers world headquarters. She also was connected to the one in Lee’s Summit.
No you say: gee, this sounds like a legal matter. I would like to get the advice of an attorney before answering questions. Never try to talk your way out of it.